Vegans should definitely supplement this nutrient

by time news


Wholesome plant-based nutrition

Vegans should definitely supplement this nutrient

Vegans do not necessarily get this nutrient from a purely plant-based diet.


one in plant-based diet does not use animal products and thus not only protects the animal world, but also the environment. After all, the {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘extern’,link_url: ‘ Carbon footprint according to Statista with a vegan diet significantly below the consumption of meat-based diets. If you eat vegan and still want to cover all vitamins and nutrients, you can use vegetables, grains and legumes. But: A certain nutrient can still not be absorbed enough – we show you how to avoid a deficiency.

Why B12 in a Vegan Diet?

In the case of a purely plant-based diet, numerous nutrient mixtures are advertised and recommended by manufacturers. However, not every vegan needs to pay attention to special supplementation. Factors such as age, gender, physical activity and particular diseases or intolerances are important when it comes to nutrient coverage. To be on the safe side, you should always talk to your family doctor about a change in diet. In the case of deficiency symptoms such as tiredness, paleness or hair loss, the doctor can help you with specific tests to dose the right nutrient in the right amount.

Vegans should pay attention to this: Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods. That’s why the food scientist Professor Doctor Andreas Hahn recommends a balanced diet for a vegan diet and the {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘extern’,link_url: ‘ Supplementation of B12*.

Vitamin B12: How do vegans supplement the substance?

The {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ B-Vitamin 12 is involved in numerous processes in the body and is particularly important for memory, concentration and the nervous system. Possible deficiency symptoms can be tiredness, forgetfulness, nervousness, depressive moods, inflammation of the mouth, gastrointestinal problems and blurred vision. These symptoms usually only become noticeable when the body’s storage is empty. If you are changing your diet, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Supplementing B12 with a plant-based diet:

  • Although the substance is not absorbed through plant-based nutrition, it is partially added to oat milk & Co. Anyone who pays attention to the B12 content of products and consumes them regularly saves swallowing tablets.
  • Supplementformen: Like other supplements, vitamin B12 is available in tablet form. These can be taken quickly and should cover the daily requirement.
  • If you don’t want to swallow tablets, you can also find the nutrient in the form of effervescent tablets, drops or as a drinking cure.
  • Caution: ‘More is more’ does not apply to supplements! The information on the packaging is often difficult to understand. {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ It should be noted that B12 supplements are often overdosed and the excess is then excreted. If you are unsure, you should get advice in the doctor’s office or pharmacy.

Recommendations from our partners

Products with added B12:

B12 supplements: alternatives to tablets

Complete vegan diet with B12

Vegan does not necessarily mean healthier – here, too, it depends on the diet. Nevertheless, more and more people are turning to animal-free alternatives. In addition to a varied diet, vegans need a adequate intake of vitamin B12 necessary. Fortunately, preparations such as mouth sprays, drops or tablets can be easily integrated into the daily routine. Vegans make it even easier with a milk alternative with added B12. If all nutrients are covered, nothing stands in the way of a healthy and delicious vegan lifestyle!

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