Hair on corruption: people are not outraged, they are arrecha

by time news

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, stressed that from the red awning they remain on display to accompany the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in the fight against corruption.

During his program Con el Mazo Dando, he pointed out that the recent revelations about the corruption plot in Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) have caused great discomfort within the militancy of the Bolivarian revolution.

“Corruption in the revolutionary ranks after so long is not something to cause a little indignation, no, our people are neither upset nor outraged, our people are very excited, our brothers in the Armed Forces are also angry because the The trust they gave to a leader to take care of the People’s money was stolen, and I am also very horny,” he said.

“Whoever that fails”

He emphasized that the government’s political leadership will continue to deepen this fight against the mafias. “We are going to deepen and go as far as we have to go whoever falls, we are going to go until we feel that the social body of the Bolivarian revolution is free of corruption,” he warned.

He asked the workers and the people to be attentive to any irregular act on the part of the rulers and those who are in positions of responsibility.

“Corruption is like saltpeter; it eats things and no one notices, that’s how corruption is, pernicious, it hides. I reiterate my call to the workers and workers to be aware, the offices of the Assembly are in order, the emails of this program are in order for complaints, we must help our president”, he indicated, while dismissing the threats from the mafias.

“We are not afraid of it, they do not blackmail us and where corruption is there we are going to knock on the door, whatever it is called,” he said.

Response to story

The also deputy to the National Assembly, referred to the recent statements by James Story, who in an interview with a Venezuelan media, accused Cabello of “talking straw.”

“I don’t know who told you to watch this program,” he said while charging Story, whom he accused of being involved in the theft of so-called “humanitarian aid” of which the self-styled “interim government” headed by Juan Guaido.

“I’m going to tell you ‘Toy’ Story: part of the money that the Government of the United States and the European Union sent to Venezuela for the opposition, those that were lost along the way, you stole it, you are a thief just like Juanito Alimaña (disqualifying to refer to Guaidó)”, he denounced.

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