The coalition of nationalist and leftist parties, forces and national figures call for immediate withdrawal from the Aqaba-Sharm El-Sheikh track

by time news

Watan al-Youm – The coalition of nationalist and leftist parties called on the Jordanian government and the Palestinian Authority to announce the immediate withdrawal from the Aqaba-Sharm al-Sheikh track, to leave all normalization and surrender projects, to confront settlement policies, occupation and all forms of aggression that the occupation army and settler gangs continue against the Palestinian people, and to stop the abandonment of the land and national sovereignty under All circumstances and conditions.

In a press statement on the occasion of Land Day, which falls on the thirtieth of March each year, the Coalition stressed the need to “draw the lessons of steadfastness and confrontation for the Palestinian people on the entire occupied Palestinian territory, which made the Land Day its historical glory, baptized with the blood of the righteous martyrs, the steadfastness of the heroic prisoners, and the unyielding determination of the people.” .

The following is the text of the statement:

On the occasion of Eternal Earth Day

Statement issued by

A coalition of nationalist and leftist parties, national forces and personalities

The coalition of nationalist and leftist parties, national forces and personalities pays tribute to the Palestinian people who continue their bitter struggle through the generations in defense of their just national cause and their legitimate rights since the start of the Zionist project’s vow of occupation on the land of Palestine and at the expense of its people at the beginning of the last century.

We also extend our greetings of pride to the Jordanian people and their glorious national movement, which never stopped fighting alongside the Palestinian national movement in the face of the expansionist Zionist project that targets Palestine and Jordan within what is called “Greater Israel”!!

The two national movements of the two brotherly peoples, the Jordanian and the Palestinian, realized very early on that this colonial project relies on two basic aggressive bases: seizing the land and expelling and displacing its people by force of terror and weapons.

Therefore, the Palestinian popular resistance, in all stages of its development, has adopted a strategy of defending the land, confronting the settlement policies, and the continuous struggle for the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and homes.

On the immortal Earth Day, which was dedicated by the Palestinian national struggle with an iron will, we call for:

– Drawing lessons of steadfastness and confrontation for the Palestinian people on the entire occupied Palestinian land: which made the land day its historical glory, baptized with the blood of the righteous martyrs, the steadfastness of the heroic prisoners, and the unyielding determination of the people.

We also call on the Jordanian government and the Palestinian Authority to announce their immediate withdrawal from the Aqaba-Sharm al-Sheikh track, to leave all normalization and surrender projects, to confront settlement policies, occupation and all forms of aggression that the occupation army and settler gangs are continuing against the Palestinian people, and to stop abandoning the land and national sovereignty under all circumstances and conditions.

Land Day will remain one of the most prominent signs of the unity of the Palestinian people. The active national forces must develop methods of struggle to consolidate the unity of struggle in the field, leave the reality of bitter division, adopt a strategy of resistance, and confront the occupation and its fascist and colonial policies.

On the eternal Earth Day, we say to the fascist Zionists, you have lost. You and your colonial project will be defeated and disgraced, and victory will be for the Palestinian people and their stubborn resistance, and you will be expelled from our land, never to return.

Long live the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance

Long live the Jordanian people and their glorious national movement

Glory to the martyrs and prisoners

Victory will inevitably come

30 / 3 / 2023

A coalition of nationalist and leftist parties, national forces and personalities

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