Islamic scholar converted after comparing them

by time news

The Fulani are a nomadic ethnic group known for raising cattle and who have attracted the attention of the world for their Islamic radicalism. One member of that tribe, a scholar of the Qur’an, read the Bible several times in an attempt to refute it, and tried turning to Jesus Christ.

Identified as Malik, a pseudonym for security reasons, the Fulani was a scholar of the Koran and a devotee of Islam, as he was the son of a jihadist who taught classes on the holy book of the religion of Mohammed. Now converted to Christianity, he has become a missionary and has been preaching the message of the cross in Africa.

He did an interview with Todd Nettleton of Radio Voice of the Martyrs, recounting his conversion testimony. During his high school years, he met the son of a Christian missionary and befriended him.

The two were part of the school’s soccer team, and because of training, Malik needed to spend a few days with the missionary’s family. This coexistence allowed him to try to convert his Christian friends to Islam, and he took the initiative to talk to his colleague’s father.

The missionary’s response was surgical, as he told Malik that the Koran had many flaws and that was why he would never become a Muslim. In the interview, he said that this answer made him dedicate himself to Holy Bible reading to prove to the missionary his mistake.

Malik then read the Bible ten times in five years to find inconsistencies, but found none. And on that journey, he discovered that he was a sinner who needed Jesus Christ in his life:

“I was there and I was crying out to God, and one night I saw Jesus standing in front of me and I asked him this question. ‘Is it you I need to follow, or do I need to follow someone else?’ He quoted verses from John 14:6 ‘Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,’” he said.

According to the portal GoodTV, after this experience he had the same dream after giving his life to Jesus. He stopped saying Muslim prayers, and when his family found out about his conversion, they tried to get him back to Islam and later tried to kill him as he refused to deny Christ.

The family that had shined the Gospel on Malik welcomed him into their home, taught him more about the Christian faith, and today he is a missionary, serving with Spirit of Martyrdom, a ministry that trains pastors and evangelists to announce Jesus in Africa.

Malik is dedicating himself to preaching to Muslims, to bring them to Jesus Christ. Over time, his family understood his stance and respected his journey of faith: “But today, we praise God, after seeing my walk with Jesus, and everything that is happening, and the Lord is using us, today, they are very proud of me”.

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