NRW state chief Wüst on BILD Live: “We are at the limit” – domestic politics

by time news

The federal and state governments are meeting for the first time today with the new Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) for the Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK).

There: NRW state boss and MPK boss Hendrik Wüst (46, CDU). At BILD Live, Wüst warned on Thursday morning of the current fourth wave and its consequences: “We can see that the number of infections is too high. We are at the limit when it comes to hospitals. We have to be incredibly careful. “

In the debate about reliable figures on the corona crisis, Wüst spoke out in favor of maintaining the 7-day incidence, despite the RKI reporting glitch on Thursday. “The 7-day incidence is a good value” because it determines the incidence of infection. “And that is still one of the central control values ​​in politics.”

Wüst warned against becoming careless in perceiving the Corona crisis. “Omikron is still far too little researched. We now have a solidified impression that the infectivity is significantly higher. So to describe a point where you say, ‘It’s good for now’, I think that’s risky. “

Wüst drew an optimistic assessment of the booster vaccination campaign. “The booster campaign is off to a good start.” The plan was to vaccinate 30 million people by the end of the year. “We already have half of them. I think it will work. “

“It’s not my policy”

Wüst initially rejected school closings. The credo “Close the schools” is not “my policy” – after all, schools and daycare centers are not per se drivers of infection. And: “The children, the young people have already suffered enough in the pandemic.”

But he also emphasized: In Bavaria, Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia “we have completely different situations”. So it is right to agree on “basic protection” at the federal-state level and at the same time create opportunities to react “to the local situation”.

In plain language: “Anyone who has special challenges must of course be able to do more.”

Nobody should do the “class clown”

At the regular Prime Minister’s Conference on Thursday afternoon, he said: “This Prime Minister’s Conference is not a special meeting on Corona, so no alarm mood.” In addition to Corona, Europe and Belarus would also be at stake.

In the current situation it is “wise if nobody tries to make the class clown”. Rather, “everyone would benefit from staying together nicely”. That means: no going it alone.

Regarding the election of Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) on Wednesday, who will take part in the MPK as Chancellor for the first time, he said: “I think we will simply congratulate him.”

And he revealed that he had already cast his vote in the election of the CDU party chairman: “I am a member, I have already voted.” But he did not want to reveal who he voted for …


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