“Passing a blade day after day is one of the most traumatic techniques for the skin”

by time news

For many years a rather macho phrase circulated that said “The man like the bear, the uglier the more beautiful”. This was intended to justify rude manners, slovenliness, and lack of attractiveness.

Jerome Ors

  • Pharmacist and director of Paquita Ors Cosmetics

Fortunately this philosophy has taken a 180 degree turn. Spain has matched and surpassed most European countries in masculine charm. And Spanish men have left behind their celtiberianism and rudeness. Now we take care of our image, our wardrobe, our diet and of course our body and skin.

traces of aging

Gays and straights know that the traces of aging on the skin will show up sooner or later and that they are not always pleasant. A cared for, fresh and luminous skin is and will always be the main cause of attractiveness for humans. Regardless of whether they are 30 or 70 years old.

Curiously, it is much easier to keep a man’s skin young and fit than a woman’s. Men have genetically stronger, thicker and less fragile skin And it ages better. Although male skin has its bad tendencies, the main one of which is marked by shaving.

The blade produces abrasions, cuts and irritation

Many times we are not aware but passing a blade day after day is one of the most traumatic techniques for the skin. The blade produces abrasions, cuts and micro cuts and irritation. That by repeating the process day after day, it becomes chronic. If our option is shaving, we have to take care of it and reduce aggression to a minimum. To do this, we first have to moisten our skin with a soothing water such as Angelica, oatmeal or chamomile.

They begin to pamper the epidermis and prepare it for what comes next. Shaving cream or foam (the blade is always better than the electric razor) comes to cover several actions: one is to allow the blade to slip. But the fundamental thing is that by a physicochemical mechanism, the hair that will later be cut by the steel blade goes from lying down to being upright. This position favors the stem being cut without damaging the skin.

But that erection is made little by little. And we have to give it time. If we pass the blade too soon we will cut the skin. And the result multiplied by the passage of days results in a red, hypersensitive skin prone to small pathologies such as folliculitis.

Useful products for shaving

The most useful products for shaving are of three types: probiotic creams that they reseed “friendly” bacteria on the skin devastated by aggressions.

Shaving foams that help reduce irritation and minimize aggression.

Products after shave that combine the calming effect with healing plants such as centella asiatica or licorice root, which promote cicatrization quickly and prevent the microheridas they become infected

The use of this type of cosmetics ensures that the skin remains unscathed and strong, avoiding the many problems caused by shaving.

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