IMSS union celebrates 80 years of protecting workers

by time news
  • The general secretary, Arturo Olivares Cerda, said that since its creation the SNTSS has shown its conviction of service.
  • The general director of the IMSS recognized that today there is a strong Union and that it cares about all its members.
  • Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of Labor, stressed the importance of this noble institution that has guaranteed social peace.

The National Union of Social Security Workers (SNTSS) celebrated 80 years of being an autonomous body that has shown its conviction of service in favor of the elements of the IMSS. Throughout this time, it has sought the well-being of its members and has focused on defending the contractual, economic and social interests of workers.

At the commemorative event for the 80th anniversary of the Union, the Secretary General of the National Executive Committee of the SNTSS, Dr. Arturo Olivares Cerda, affirmed that the general director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) is a great ally of the workers. He added that his presence at this celebration reflects the good level and collaborative attitude that prevails in the relationship between authorities and union.

All work done for the benefit of healthcare workers

He highlighted that throughout eight decades the SNTSS has adapted to the transformations of the country, “these changes that the 25 leaders of the Union have experienced confirm that in leading the destinies of hundreds of thousands of members, it has been done with great height sight”.

He stressed that despite the adversities, the Union is on its feet and renewed, “united, convinced of what we want and do not want, in the face of a world that is being transformed and a Mexico that has experienced multiple episodes that have changed its social face.” ”.

Olivares Cerda assured that the Social Security Union “has defied time thanks to its loyalty to its guiding principles established since its birth and thanks to this it has never put its existence at risk.

In his speech, the general director of the IMSS, Zoe Robledoaffirmed that “a lot of history, that of the origin and that of the present, make me assure that there is a lot of IMSS and a lot of IMSS Unions in the future of Mexico.”

He stressed that the IMSS and the Union have a horizontal relationship of respect and recognitionstrengthened by the challenge of facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest health crisis that the country has experienced in its history that was overcome by workers in the health sector.

He recognized Secretary General Arturo Olivares Cerda for his clear, firm, intelligent and humanist leadership that allowed thousands of workers to mobilize in an organized and safe manner to attend to beneficiaries and people without social security.

How many people make up the IMSS Union?

He indicated that today there is a stronger, more secure and social IMSS thanks to his union and the experience of 64,000 specialist doctors, to the dedication of 5,545 general practitioners, 115,337 nurses and nurses, the support of 79,870 paramedics , the hard work of 97 thousand 76 technicians, administrative and basic, day care staff, Social Security Centers, theaters and sports and other professionals.

The Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardoaffirmed that the National Union of Social Security Workers has a history of struggle, enforces labor rights with its members and, in addition, builds esprit de corps and belonging.

“It must also be said, it has adopted the new model of union organization that is more democratic and more transparent. (…) This new era would not be possible without the General Secretary of the Union, Dr. Arturo Olivares, who has had the sensitivity to defend labor rights and, at the same time, raise the name of the Mexican Social Security Institute and the services it provides to its beneficiaries”.

At the time, the Secretary of Labor, Luisa Maria Mayorrecognized the Union as a key piece and an ally in the transformation to achieve freedom and democracy in the world of work a reality in the country.

He recognized the Union for defending almost half a million women and men who, in turn, protect and defend 70 million Mexican men and women every day in the most difficult stages of life, such as illness or when their children are born, “for That is why I want to highlight the importance of this noble Institution that has guaranteed social peace and managed to protect as many millions as a country as powerful as the United States would like.

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