The 9 most common myths about abortion and the truth of each one

by time news
  • A survey among doctors revealed that 35% are in favor of this practice, but only when the mother’s health is at risk or when it involves rape or incest.
  • Among the doctors who oppose this practice, it is assured that it is against the Hippocratic Oath.
  • Dr. Francisco Eduardo López Ceh clarified the main myths about abortion.

Few practices generate as much controversy as abortion, but at the same time there are also many myths on the subject. Beyond personal opinions or positions for or against, the important thing is always to offer real and reliable information. In addition, it is necessary to avoid prejudices because many times they harm the final decisions.

It is sometimes claimed that it is an aspect that should only matter to women but is not entirely true. Health professionals should also be involved because in the end they are the ones who should carry out this practice or not.

In this regard, a study from the Medscape portal conducted a survey within the union and found that 35% are in favor, but only when the mother’s health is at risk or when it involves rape or incest.

myths about abortion

On the other hand, the current myths surrounding abortion hinder its decriminalization to the detriment of the human and reproductive rights of women and pregnant persons. In this regard, the doctor Francisco Eduardo Lopez Ceha member of Telefem’s medical staff and an expert in legal termination of pregnancy, clarified some points on the subject.

Myth 1: Medical abortion is dangerous. FAKE

The interruption of pregnancy with medication before the 10th week of pregnancy is the most physiological, simple and safe alternative recommended by the WHO based on the best international scientific evidence. The risk of complications is close to 0.1%.

Myth 2: Abortion drugs cause infertility. FAKE

Abortion medications are not associated with complications on future reproductive life. There is no scientific evidence in this regard.

Myth 3: Abortion pills are extremely painful. YES AND NO

Pain is relative to each person, but there is the possibility of indicating treatment with an analgesic prior to taking misoprostol to reduce the intensity of this symptom. The pain is well tolerated, which allows the possibility of carrying out the treatment on an outpatient basis.

Myth 4: If the pills fail, the pregnancy should continue. FAKE

The success of the combined treatment with mifepristone and a dose of misoprostol of 800 mcg, has a success rate greater than 98%. If there is no expulsion of tissue or bleeding with the first dose of 800 mcg of misoprostol, the administration of additional doses is indicated, without an established limit, and no more than 5 doses every 4 to 6 hours are necessary.

Although the alternative for safe abortion before 12 weeks of gestation in case of contraindication or eventuality with drugs, is manual uterine aspiration (MVA).

Myth 5: You can tell if a woman or pregnant person has aborted. TRUE

Yes, the symptoms and signs during treatment guide us to the diagnosis of abortion. The recognition of the expelled gestational sac or ovular tissue, as well as diagnostic studies after the abortion, generally 7 to 14 days later, such as the quantification of the beta fraction of human chorionic gonadotropin, or the performance of a gynecological pelvic ultrasound, are tools to corroborate the success of the treatment and absence of complications.

Myth 6: Legal and safe abortion is practiced only in urgent cases. FAKE

TRUE. It is practiced when the woman or pregnant person so requests. It is currently qualified as a health right of every person.

Myth 7: Abortion leaves psychological scars. FAKE

When a pregnant person in a situation of emotional vulnerability is evaluated, they should be referred for attention to the mental health area. With the appropriate guidance and management, there are no repercussions of a psychological nature.

Myth 8: Adolescents do not have the right to decide on an abortion. FAKE

Every pregnant person, regardless of age, has the right to access a safe abortion. In the case of minors, the accompaniment of a guardian is suggested to give consent.

Myth 9: There is a limit of weeks of gestation to perform a legal termination of pregnancy. TRUE

Yes, before 10 weeks with medication and before 12 with manual uterine aspiration.

Also read:

SSa publishes the new guidelines for performing a safe abortion: Here you can download the document

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In favor or oppossing? This is what Mexican doctors think about abortion

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