Plenary gives an account of the motion for the vacancy of the President of the Republic

by time news

With the leadership of the president of Congress, José Williams Zapata, the session of the Permanent Commission begins.

Admission will be consulted at the next session

In the plenary session of the national representation on Thursday the 30th of the present, the Order of the Day Motion 5372 was reported, which proposes that the Congress of the Republic declare the permanent moral incapacity of the President of the Republic, Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, as provided in article 113 of the Political Constitution of Peru.

In addition, it proposes declaring the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic and, consequently, the application of article 115 of the Political Constitution of Peru that regulates the presidential succession.

The document, presented on January 26, bears the signature of 26 congressmen from different benches, including Peru Libre, Cambio Democrático-Juntos por el Perú, Perú Bicentenario, Bloque Magisterial de Concertación Nacional and non-groups.

The head of Congress, José Williams Zapata, informed that in the next plenary session of Parliament, the admission of the motion requesting the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic will be consulted.

He indicated that the vacancy request was made known to the President of the Republic.


The procedure for requesting a vacancy from the Presidency of the Republic, for the reasons set forth in subsection 2) of article 113 of the Constitution, is regulated in article 89-A of the Regulations of Congress.

Subsection b) of that legal provision states that “for the admission of the vacancy request, the vote of at least forty percent of the able-bodied congressmen is required. Voting is carried out inevitably in the session following the one in which the motion was made.”

“The plenary session of Congress agrees on the day and time for the debate and vote on the vacancy request, a session that cannot be held before the third day following the vote on the admission of the request or after the tenth, unless four-fifths of the legal number of congressmen agree to a shorter term or their debate and immediate vote (…)”, indicates subsection c) of the Regulations.

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