German word of the day: Kabelsalat

by time news


‘Kabelsalat’ is proof that German really does have a word for nearly everything.

Published: 11 March 2019 08:39 CET
Updated: 31 March 2023 16:35 CEST

Literally meaning cable salad, the English equivalent would be cable spaghetti or cable clutter, describing the result of several cables close to each other tangling up.

The tangle of cables is the only salad on earth which prepares itself. It is not made on purpose, it just occurs.

Since Austrians like to be organized, cable clutter behind a desk is sometimes viewed as a sign of bad office keeping.

More forgivingly, it is perceived as a stroke of fate, something that can happen to anyone. Which it does: All lengths of cables, except for very short ones, are similarly likely to develop cable clutter.

Of course, the time it takes to untangle them increases with length and number of cables. Usually, cable clutter starts at the end of the cables and then gradually moves to the middle. Many devices have been engineered to prevent cable clutter: for example cable ties (cable ties or zip ties) and wiring harnesses (cable looms or harnesses).

A related German word, Bandsalathas pretty much died out with its cause: it described the tangling of audio or video tapes.

So perhaps, with the increase of wireless devices, cable clutter will also become a historical term in the future.

We take mercy on whoever is tasked with untangling this Kabelsalat. Photo: DPA


There is a total mess of cables behind my desk.

There is a total mess of cables behind my desk.

You have to fix the cables, otherwise there will be cable clutter!

You have to fix the cables, otherwise there will be a mess!

I have to clean up the mess of cables in the drawer again.

I have to clean up the mess of cables in the drawers again.

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