Ofira and Berkovic: Avigdor Lieberman was relentless in his criticism of the coalition

by time news

Yvette Lieberman was particularly assertive during his speeches at Ofira and Barco yesterday, launching attacks on the coalition and its leader. When asked why he refused to participate in talks at the president’s house, Lieberman stated that he would not sit with those who lie to him. He confirmed that the delayed legislation would be implemented during the upcoming summer session. Danny Danon exposed the shortcomings of the Netanyahu government during the Ofira and Berkovic Review.

Lieberman had previously criticised Netanyahu and accused him of lying in a tweet. He stated that instead of having a real dialogue and unifying the nation, the coalition was spitting in the public’s face by placing the Basic Law of the Judiciary in the Knesset, even before the conversation had begun.

Lieberman also claimed that Bibi (Netanyahu) was delaying the process in order to “text the protest” and quietly pass Passover and Independence Day. Therefore, the only solution will be for Netanyahu to step down as he has been proven incompetent.

Lieberman stated that the inequality in the burden faced by households in Israel is clear and distinct, citing a study by Bank of Israel that showed an average family household pays four times as much as an ultra-orthodox family household. He also stated that those who refuse to serve in the army in his government were the real refusers, and that Netanyahu was more focused on legislation than security issues.

Additionally, Lieberman claimed that even the Jewish communities in the US were disapproving of Netanyahu, and that Bitan, the Likud party’s representative, hinted that without the US, Israel would be worth as much as the skin of garlic.

Lieberman argued that negotiations were not for a compromise, as “what is being asked of us is surrender.” Therefore, he believed that protests must continue, and the Likud has a right to govern, but under a different leader.

Lastly, Lieberman criticised Distel’s statement that the licenses of protesting doctors should be revoked and questioned why the prime minister did not condemn her words.

Yesterday, at Ofira and Barco, Yvette Lieberman was sharper than ever and resolute in his attacks on the coalition and its leader. When asked why he would not take part in the talks at the president’s house, he said that he would not sit with people who want to lie to him. He reiterated that despite the delay of the legislation, in the upcoming summer session, it will be implemented.

Danny Danon exposed the joke called the Netanyahu government at Ofira and Berkovic Review

To remind you, it was Lieberman who tweeted the day after Netanyahu announced the delay: “As I warned, Netanyahu lied again. Instead of going to a real dialogue and nursing the rift in the nation, the coalition spits in the public’s face and at this moment placed the Basic Law of the Judiciary on the Knesset table. The meaning is that at any given moment this can go up for a vote and pass in the plenary.” That is, the gun is on the table even before the conversation has even begun.

Netanyahu announces the delay of the reform legislation (Photo: Leam)

According to him, Bibi wants to “text the protest” and quietly pass Passover and Independence Day, and therefore only temporarily suspended the legislation. In other words, he just bides his time and works on all of us. So what is the solution? Ofira asked, and Lieberman: Bibi must go home. He proved himself incompetent.

And Lieberman said that the card of deprivation that the Likud usually pulls out from time to time, as if it is considered “type B”, is stupid because they have been in power for many years and hold the most important key positions, so why complain?

In the same matter of deprivation, I remembered that Bibi in his speech praised the right-wing demonstrators who came in droves and told them that their voice was no less equal. Every reasonable person feels that there was once again an attempt to heat up and incite, instead of uniting and reconciling. Or to mention the story of Solomon’s trial and imply that half a nation is like that mother who agreed to cut her baby, thus uniting and reconciling in a time of abysmal hatred that has never been seen before?

When Berko proposed his own solution, to give up on the ultra-Orthodox and not to force them to enlist, then the escalation clause would be removed from the agenda, Lieberman replied that on his part it was acceptable, but it was unacceptable that they would not work and live at the expense of the state, which would not be able to “hold this wagon” for a long time. He explained that a study by the Bank of Israel found that an average family household pays 4 times as much as an ultra-orthodox family household. That is, the inequality in the burden is clear and distinct.

In the same matter, the thought came to my mind that the Israeli Arabs do not join the army either, but at least they work and earn a living. And I also remembered that in his speech, Netanyahu said that the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense must warn against refusals and I wonder, the meaning of this statement, when the real refusers are people in your government who refuse to serve in the army.

When Barko suggested that they might give up on Bibi and make a plea deal with him, Lieberman responded: For my part, let them make a plea deal, the main thing is that he go, because he strives to destroy the country and cause the destruction of a third house.

“Do you think Gallant should apologize”? Ofira asked, and Lieberman: The one who needs to apologize is Bibi, who has not convened the security cabinet for a month and a half, when serious security events are happening all around us. He actually wanted to say that legislation is more important to Netanyahu than security.

Regarding President Biden and his “absolute NO” response to hosting Netanyahu, Lieberman made it clear that even the Jewish communities, which were our strong support in the US, disapprove of the prime minister.

And I ask: How do you, Netanyahu, allow the jerks in your government to challenge the US and say that it will not dictate to us how to behave? Perhaps you will listen to the sane voices in your party, such as David Bitan, who yesterday at Gideon Oko’s, hinted in one way or another, that without the US we Worth as the skin of garlic.

And I ask: How do you not shut up those who think that we will manage without America, and forget an important little detail, that Biden is one of the few representatives from the Democratic Party who still has friendship towards Israel, so the friendship with him should also be communicated? So maybe we will send to hell not only the pilots as Keri said, but also our best friend?

When Barko tried to convince that negotiations were nevertheless important in order to prevent fratricidal war, Lieberman responded that it was not at all negotiations for a compromise, because “what is being asked of us is surrender.” Therefore, in Lieberman’s opinion, the protests must continue, but he clarified that Likud won the elections and has the right to govern, but under another leader who will come from within, instead of Bibi.

What particularly angered me last week and was published on the news channels, was Galit Distel’s statement that the licenses of doctors who participated in the protest should be revoked. Who are you speaking for? In the name of the patients who desperately need them? In the name of my mother, her life was saved thanks to them? And how about you, the prime minister doesn’t condemn her words and doesn’t shut her up either? Maybe you should consider making a more effective use of the 40 kilos of bleach you wanted to clean the court system with, and clean something else.

At least one good thing happened this week despite everything. The most corrupt law on earth that was ever enacted, in the country or in the world, was the gift law, and it has been removed from the chapter. Even the ultra-Orthodox parties considered it an abomination law. And in light of the trolling that plagues the country, I have some advice for new students. Looking for a good profession? Go study psychology. This country will need you.

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