Italian govt Italian government to ban English language; Bill framed – KVARTHA: MALAYALAM NEWS | KERALA NEWS | KERALA VARTHA

by time news
Rome: ( The Italian government is preparing legislation to ban public and private institutions in the country from using foreign languages, especially English, in official communications. The bill, drawn up by lawmakers from the ruling Nationalist Brothers of Italy party, aims to promote the Italian language and impose fines of up to 100,000 euros for those found to be breaking the law.

For the bill to become law, both houses of parliament must pass it. But it is indicated that this cannot be implemented immediately. The draft bill, which calls for the protection and nurturing of the Italian language, says the English insult and denigrate the Italian people and therefore requires all public and private institutions to use the Italian language, Reuters reported, citing party sources.

All job applications must be written in Italian, including names and abbreviations. The draft bill also specifies that foreign words should be allowed only if they are impossible to translate. The bill argues that the widespread use of the English language in Europe is ironic given Britain’s exit from the European Union. A number of similar measures have been taken since the far-right came to power in Italy last year for the first time since World War II. Recently, the use of lab-grown food was banned to preserve the country’s agri-food heritage.

Keywords: News, World, Top-Headlines, Italy, Government, Ban, Controversy, Political-News, Politics, Italian govt drafts legislation that seeks to ban use of English language terms.

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