Moscow takes the helm of the United Nations Security Council; two French volunteers killed in ten days

by time news

Cover image: Members of the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution condemning referendums on the annexation of several Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine, as they meet at Russia’s request to discuss damage to two Russian gas pipelines to Europe, in New York, United States, September 30, 2022. ANDREW KELLY / REUTERS

  • The Ukrainian martyr city of Boutcha, symbol of the atrocities attributed to the Russian army, must become “a symbol of justice”, said Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the recapture of this locality by the forces of kyiv. “We will never forgive”he swore, promising that“there will be a new Nuremberg”.
  • According to US Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, Ukraine is unlikely to expel all Russian forces from its territory in the year 2023, a task he described as ” very difficult “. He has also ruled out for the time being the possibility of sending long-range American ATACMS missiles to the Ukrainian forces.
  • French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday accused Russia of having “let it go, even encouraged” war crimes “with the clear objective of subjugating the Ukrainian nation through violence”.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a decree validating a new foreign policy doctrine, designating the West as a “existential threat” whose Moscow must fight the « domination ». In a document of more than forty pages, Russia poses as a bulwark of the Russian-speaking world against Westerners, accused of wanting“weaken by all means”.
  • Majority of UN Security Council members expressed concern over nuclear proliferation riskat a meeting on Moscow’s announced deployment of nuclear weapons “tactics” in Belarus. This meeting took place on Friday, at the request of Ukraine.
  • The board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) validated, on Friday, the aid plan amounting to 15.6 billion dollars. (14.3 billion euros) signed on March 21 with the Ukrainian government.

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