The sun is in the sky, clouds float by and somewhere you hear ‘chirp’. Go outside

by time news

Due to the omnipresent, often meaningless chatter in our society, I sometimes have the feeling that everything depends on opinions and stone. For example, when I walk through a city center, or when I accidentally open a newspaper. Luckily I live outside. I look out over meadows and the neighbour’s cows. Trust me, whatever you think of cows and their manure, that’s a comforting sight. All that greenery, those grazing animals, the birds in the sky – the primal brain feels safe and unthreatened.

It is a panorama in which nothing changes. Well, sometimes a cyclist slides through, or a car in the distance. Or a new season is emerging in the color of the leaves. And sometimes a tree dies, as a small but threatening pre-announcement of everything that awaits us with climate change. But if you look slowly, the days and hours are equal.

The soft rest that emanates from this is a blessing for the soul, because it itself is part of the Rest. And I think the reverse is also true: that on a soul level we become very unhappy due to division, squabbling politicians or screaming crowds around us. Even if we don’t notice it. Even if we tell ourselves that we’re having a great time..

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