Noi Arieli, a participant in “New Love”, reveals the great trauma

by time news

“New Love”, the dating program of Network 13, recently returned to the screen. Three brave single women moved in with a man they had never met, and this season added a twist, in apartment No. 4 a man is waiting and he is also looking for love. One of the most intriguing bachelorettes of the season is Noya Arieliworks as a model and Pilates instructor and lives in Tel Aviv, she said in an interview For Iris Cole On 103FM about the reasons Bagnan decided to look for love on television at the age of only 27.

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Arieli, lives in Tel Aviv and works as a model for brands and wedding dresses (Delta, Nike, Mishbir for the consumer, Vivi Blaish and more) and a Pilates instructor. Now finishing naturopathy studies. She started her modeling career in France and in 2017 participated in the beauty queen competition and reached the finals.

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Noya has not had much luck in a relationship until today, it often happened that she went out with a man, felt that he was perfect and then he disappeared. She feels that people mark V for “conquering” the beautiful model Noya and don’t really want to get to know her and have a serious and good relationship with her. She says that most men break up with her and she can’t really put her finger on the reason.

Let’s tell a little about you. you are quite busy Does new love mean breaking away from it all?
“It wasn’t to disconnect, but to help me fax myself to understand what the problem was, how I couldn’t find a relationship, what was wrong. I understood during the program even more what the problem was. I realized many times that I took a place of satisfaction because I was very afraid of being alone , I wasn’t the most popular girl in class. I wasn’t the prettiest or the accepted girl.”

Was it throughout elementary and high school?
“I invested more in my studies, I was a very tall girl and that was not a positive thing with kids, it’s a ‘giraffe’. I was even spat on once, I would walk bent over, I was ashamed of being tall, I didn’t accept myself and that’s probably why they didn’t accept me” .

There is something very revealing about walking on a runway
“It’s a mask, from the moment I arrived in the world of models I put it on myself, and said that a woman they didn’t like doesn’t exist. That’s what destroyed me in relationships, I was afraid to reveal who I was, that they might not like me.”

Noya Arieli, “New Love” (Photo: Screenshot from Network 13)

Talk about the “rules of the game” in dating, that you should be hard to get, less available, but when you discover someone charming you want to talk to him and see him, I knew how to play the game
“I always felt that as soon as someone starts with me, they try to make me feel safe. I fall in love with the relationship, not with a person, and then I become a lecturer because I don’t want it to disappear.”

How did I get into the program?
“I received an offer. At first I told myself that I was too young for the program, but this is the best gift I could give myself.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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