What are parasite cleanses and why do they go viral?

by time news

In recent months, a new – and very questionable – trend has emerged on TikTok. With a ‘parasite cleanse’, TikTokkers use various herbs and supplements to rid their bodies of parasites such as worms. Do you also spontaneously start gagging?

You may remember what parasites are from biology class in high school. Namely: organisms that live in or on another organism, the so-called ‘host’, on which they feed. There are different types of parasites and some common examples are tapeworms, roundworms and head lice.

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Parasites in Belgium

Are parasites really that common? If you can believe TikTok, yes. Prof dr. Callens, chief medical officer of the General Internal Diseases Department of the UZ Gentexplains that in Belgium we have a high chance of coming into contact with single-celled parasites, such as:

  • Giardia lamblia“This is an intestinal parasite that is spread through water contaminated with human or animal feces. Giardia can cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea.”
  • Cryptosporidium: “This is another intestinal parasite that is also spread through contaminated water. It can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and vomiting.”
  • Toxoplasma gondii“This parasite is spread through cat feces and can lead to symptoms such as fever and muscle aches. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women because it can lead to birth defects in the fetus.”

“About half of the pregnant women in Belgium have already had toxoplasmosis before they became pregnant. They have antibodies and are protected for the rest of their lives. This way they can no longer contract or pass on toxoplasmosis to their baby. The other half of the however, pregnant women can contract the disease during pregnancy be dangerous for the baby, especially if the infection is early in pregnancy takes place. The baby can then get congenital abnormalities such as an eye infection, meningitis, growth retardation or it can even lead to a miscarriage. That is why every pregnant woman has a blood test to see if she has antibodies against toxoplasmosis. If she does not have antibodies, she should be tested regularly during pregnancy and take precautions to avoid infection.”

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How do you get infected with a parasite?

“In Belgium, most people get infected through water, but it can also be through food or the skin,” says Prof. Dr. Callens. If you have certain symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and/or fever, you should consult your doctor. Because starting a parasite cleanse yourself is, according to Prof. Dr. Callens not a good idea: “Unfortunately, we see more and more uncontrolled messages about healthy living on social media. So-called health influencers are looking for topics that yield the most and I fear that ‘parasite cleanses’ will be a result of that. Unfortunately, science does not have a revenue model in this social media.”

While it is true that some herbs and supplements have anti-parasitic properties, they can also have side effects and potentially harmful substances. So don’t blindly follow the umpteenth TikTok trend, but consult your doctor before testing certain products or homemade remedies. After all, he can determine whether you actually have a parasite and also prescribe a correct treatment.

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