The influx of doctors from Turkey to Germany continues! It’s the nurses turn!

by time news

Berlin/Ankara. The influx of doctors from Turkey to Germany continues. The ratio of Turkish doctors in Germany surpassed all foreign countries on a country basis. Turkish doctors are now working in almost every hospital, clinics are opening in areas that are very expensive in Germany. A Turkish doctor in Germany earns about 100 thousand Euros per year.

In 2022, 2685 Turkish doctors, 1341 of whom are general practitioners and 1344 specialists, received a Certificate of Good Conduct from the Turkish Medical Association. The vast majority of them went to Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The number of people who registered after they graduated from medical school or started to study is unknown. When they joined, it is estimated that the number of those who went to Germany alone reached 3000.

According to the news in Sözcü, Germany’s facilitation of conditions for health sector workers from Turkey triggers the departure of Turkish doctors to this country. The government’s preparedness for foreigners to obtain visas more easily. “Relating to the recruitment of qualified labor” If the bill becomes law, the number is expected to increase even more and nurses in particular are expected to flock to Germany. The increase in the last 10 years has been an indicator of how large the brain drain from Turkey has reached. In recent years, the number of doctors leaving the country has exceeded 10 thousand.

Reasons to choose Germany

At the beginning of the Turkish doctors preferring Germany, “better working conditions, the right to unions, strikes and social security, higher wages or annual earnings, non-violence against healthcare workers and being able to work away from the influence of politics“ reasons like.

Turkish doctors in Germany earn an average of 60 thousand to 90 thousand Euros per year if they work in clinics. Annual salaries of experts can reach 120 thousand Euros and above. Those who open their own clinics in countries such as Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands can earn an average of 600 thousand 1 million 200 thousand Euros per year.

There is a shortage of doctors in many hospitals in Germany and medical faculties cannot fill these gaps. While it costs the German state 500 thousand Euros for a medical student to become a doctor, those coming from Turkey do not have any educational expenses.

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