Historic Shabbat in Telleston: thousands at the event in honor of yeshiva boys

by time news

Thousands came during Shabbat to be blessed by the tzaddik genius Rabbi Shimon Galai, and listened to his empowering talks. Dozens of young men completed a summation at an exciting event on Saturday night with the participation of the Mera Dathra Hagra Shulman. Summary documentation

It was a Saturday Tellez Stone will never forget. With the end of winter time, the head of the council Yitzhak Ravitz announced Shabbat ‘and lift us up’ as recognition and admiration for the hundreds of yeshiva boys who returned home after a long winter time. For about a month, the preparations continued for the tremendous event that would elevate and cherish the honor of the Torah people who had returned home from winter.

The whole settlement wore a holiday. Huge signs were hung from one end to the other, happily announcing the arrival of the members of the Yeshiva for the blessing. In preparation for the historic Shabbat, thousands of the settlement’s children received bags of designed sweets, including a special comic drawing drawn for the uplifting Shabbat, with an exciting and historical story of the members of the Yeshiva who returned home to the Torah world of Eastern Europe. The Knesset Sefer Torah vehicles circled the settlement for long hours, playing songs honoring the Torah, and inviting the entire public to take part in Shabbat events. On Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, all the hundreds of yeshiva members in the settlement of Petah Petah were given a gift of the book “Voromatno” 2 parts with the story of the travels of the Gravm Zechii to Lithuania and Poland.

A few hours before the start of Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Galai arrived in the settlement, and the residents were filled with immense excitement. In preparation for Shabbat, many hundreds of residents flocked for Mencha prayer and Shabbat reception, which open the chain of exciting Shabbat events.

The Shabbat events were held at the Belza yeshiva in the settlement, in order to allow mass participation of all the residents. During the prayers, the cantor Rabbi Avrami Roth and the members of the Yeshish Choir came before the ark who sang and gave thanks to the Lord of the world and the honor of the Torah students.

Between the beginning of Shabbat and Maariv, the Gerash Galai gave opening words for Shabbat, ‘And our uplift.’ Chafetz Haim. “Father ate at the table of the Hafetz Chaim. And the Hafetz Chaim would ask the girl who distributed the food to give the boy a yeshiva first, because he had to go back to study at the yeshiva.”

On Saturday morning, after the prayer, a mass Kiddosha Raba was held for all the residents of the settlement, with thousands flocking to take part in it. Gersh Galai gave moving words in praise of honoring the Torah people, and said that everyone who took part in this Shabbat, is one of the Torah’s cherishers and his rights are enormous in this and in the next.

At a third meal, hundreds of yeshiva boys dined at the table of Gersh Galai, for a special and moving meal. During the meal, Gersh Galai walked among the hundreds of young men, encouraging the moving and tearful singing with his hands. After that he praised the people of the Torah who labored day and night, and urged them not to fall into despair in the trials that pass them by, but to understand that on the contrary, it is the will of the Holy One, blessed be He, that they serve Him flesh and blood.

After the Ma’ariv and Havdalah prayers, a magnificent ceremony took place, the graduation ceremony, in which a large number of the residents of the settlement took part, led by the Mera Dathra Gra Shulman, who gave passionate speeches about the respect of the Torah that the owners of the houses shared with the yeshiva’s chosen ones in the Torah world before the Holocaust. , and the entire public flocks to pay their respects to the sons of the Torah, blessed are you and blessed are you.”

Dozens of boys went up to the stand one by one and finished the tract they had been working on during the winter, while the parents and the entire audience shed a tear of excitement. At the end of the event, the guest of honor HaRash Galai said goodbye to the residents and thanked them for an uplifting and wonderful Shabbat. He thanked the head of the council Yitzhak Ravitz for the unprecedented revolutionary initiative, and hoped that they would learn from him in other cities and communities.

Before the lads parted, the head of the council, Rabbi Yitzhak Ravitz, gave a speech and thanked the lads for the great privilege that fell to the lot of the council to elevate and honor the workers of the Torah. He told about an emotional letter that was sent to his home on Shabbat evening, in which a mother from the settlement says that her dear son came home from a long winter, and immediately rushed to the synagogue to study for a few hours. Later when she asked him to explain his actions, he explained: “I came from the yeshiva and saw how much the Torah people are respected in the Yishuv. I woke up to think that in the last two weeks, in the atmosphere of the end of time, I may have studied less. So I decided to go and immediately complete a few hours in order to be worthy of the great honor they shared here.”

The residents and the young men dispersed to their homes in a spirit of elation, with many veterans testifying that such an uplifting and busy Shabbat had not been seen in Telztstone since its foundation 40 years ago.

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone

The historic Saturday at Tellez Stone
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

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