The Candidates for the National Guard of Netanyahu and Ben Gvir

by time news

During a cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested Gal Hirsch and Uri Bar Lev as possible candidates to head the newly established national guard under the authority of Minister Itamar Ben Gabir. Hirsch, previously a contender for Police Commissioner, faced an investigation that led to his appointment being failed. Bar Lev, a former superintendent in the Israel Police, served as commander of the South District and was also a candidate for the position of Police Commissioner. Meanwhile, Minister Ben Gabir is considering appointing Avinaam Amuna to the position. Amuna retired from the IDF due to claims that the army was hindering the promotion of candidates who wear kippas. He received a TLS in operation ‘Tzuk Eitan’ thanks to his command of the 101st battalion.

During the cabinet meeting in which the decision-makers’ proposal to establish a national guard under the authority of Minister Itamar Ben Gabir was approved, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu named two possible candidates to head the guard.

According to the report on the Walla website, Netanyahu brought up the names of Gal Hirsch and Uri Bar Lev. As I recall, Hirsch was previously a candidate for the appointment of Police Commissioner, but following an investigation opened against him, the appointment was thwarted. Later, he functioned for Likud and is even a candidate for armor on the party’s list for the Knesset, but he replied in the negative.

Uri Bar Lev is a retired superintendent in the Israel Police, served as commander of the South District and the representative of the police and the Ministry of Internal Security in the United States. He was a candidate for the position of Police Commissioner. Among his other positions, he also served as the commander of the Dovdevan unit and the Gideon unit.

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On the other hand, the Minister of National Security Ben Gabir is interested in appointing to the position Avinaam Amuna, the former officer who retired from the IDF about a year ago on the grounds that the army was thwarting the promotion of candidates wearing a kippa.

As I recall, Amunah received a TLS in operation ‘Tzuk Eitan’ due to the activity of the 101st battalion he commanded.

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