A rare flower suitable for beautifying your home A rare flower to beautify your home

by time news

There can hardly be a person in this world who does not like flowers. Humans have been growing them for centuries for their fragrance and beauty.

Are you curious about rare flowers, one of them is ‘Middle Mist Red’, a flower belonging to the Camellia family.

Originally a refuge in China for over 200 years, this flower is now only found in two places in the world; They are a garden in New Zealand and a green cottage in London.

Although called ‘Middlemist’s red’, it is dark rose in color opposite to its name, resembling the shape of a rose flower.

It is called Mittel Mist Red after its discoverer ‘John Mittelmyst’. He brought it from China and produced it and distributed it to the people.

It is a flower that excels in beauty and also contains medicinal properties. Cancer, heart problem, skin problem,

For hair care etc. It is a useful medicine. Known as the ‘Rose of Winter’, this flower blooms from November to February.

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Rarely, however, we can try to produce Immlarin. Its seeds are sold on various websites.

We can buy it and grow it at home.

If that situation is left alone it may rarely grow. These can be grown in pots. This plant grows well in acidic soil.

Can grow in a neutral climate without extreme heat or cold. It starts rooting within one to two months and can grow up to three meters within three to five years.

It starts flowering after five years.

This flower is endemic to China and is now extinct there. And if we start cultivating this flower, which is found in only two places in the world, it will be saved from the brink of extinction. Who knows, we can grow and maintain the world’s most famous flower at home…

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1 comment

yoyedib154 April 2, 2023 - 9:16 pm

I absolutely loved reading this informative post about the Middle Mist Red flower. It’s amazing to think that such a rare and beautiful flower exists, and has such amazing medicinal properties. It’s also interesting to know that it can be grown at home, and could possibly be saved from extinction. I’m curious, what other rare or hard to find flowers would you recommend for home cultivation and preservation?

yoy edib


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