Mother of student who attacked autistic at school asks for forgiveness

by time news

A video that went viral on social media caused outrage on the web and provoked a reaction from authorities. In the recording, an autistic 11-year-old child appears to be psychologically assaulted by a group of female students from Colégio Estadual Flávio Ribeiro de Rezende, located in the Balneário neighborhood, in Natividade, Rio de Janeiro.

The victim is a girl identified only as Vitória. She appears having her hair pulled and being the target of verbal abuse by a student, while others filmed everything inciting aggression.

The episode took place last Monday (27) and the video shared on social networks revolted many internet users. Former Federal Prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol said he was heartbroken when he saw the images.

“It’s heartbreaking,” he said. “Young Victoria was bullied at school. She lost her parents and receives treatment at an institution in Natividade dedicated to people with autism spectrum disorder and was the victim of a group of girls who attacked her.”


With the negative repercussions of the case, the parents of the student who appears to be harassing the child recorded a video to apologize for what happened. The teenager’s father said he intends to go personally to meet the victim’s family in order to provide support.

“I, in the place of a father, am already indignant about this, I imagine [que] you too. I apologize to everyone, to the girl’s family. I’m going to make a video, I’m going to the girl’s house”, he said, according to the G1, also saying that he has already corrected his daughter and will continue “explaining more and more that this is wrong and that cannot”.

The mother of the aggressor was also embarrassed, saying that discrimination is unacceptable, since we are children of God. “We always taught her that she doesn’t have to talk about others because nobody is better than anybody else,” she said.

“We all have the same blood. God made us the same way. We are all children of God”, lamented the mother. “We apologize to all people because education we give (…). This attitude of hers is wrong because she is not better than anyone else. And if you have to pay for her mistakes, we pay”. Watch:

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