Baldness in Formula 1: understand why many drivers end up with no hair – News

by time news

Many Formula 1 drivers have a physical characteristic in common: the lack of hair, even if they are young. As it is a sport in which the public usually follows them for several years in a row, it is possible to notice that the competitors are getting balder with each season.

But this is not a “bone of the trade”. Associating baldness with the frequent use of balaclava and helmet is a myth, in most cases, according to specialists consulted by the R7.

“What can happen is that, in many cases, there is not a correct hygiene of the helmet and, due to the increase in humidity and sweat, consequently, there is an increase in the proliferation of bacteria and fungi responsible for recurrent dermatitis, causing a fall hair”, explains the trichologist, Renan Brigante.

Viviane Scarpa, trichologist and dermatologist at the SBD (Brazilian Society of Dermatology), and Juliana Chiancone, trichologist at the IAT (International Association of Trichologists), point out that androgenetic alopecia, known as male pattern baldness, is frequent due to male hormonal action on hair follicles .

In this way, pilots and even motorcyclists, who spend a lot of time with the safety accessory, can rest assured. But, experts point out: it is necessary to maintain the hygiene of accessories, as well as caps, hats or balaclavas.

Its use increases the oiliness of the scalp, favoring cases of capillary seborrhea, and the lack of correct hygiene can aggravate the condition or proliferate fungi and bacteria that may cause hair loss, as previously stated by Brigante. However, such a case is reversible.

Viviane remembers, however, that hairstyles and accessories, such as tiaras, which generate a lot of traction in the hair, can also lead to its loss.

Thus, the experts’ recommendation is that people who constantly use helmets always remember to clean them correctly after using them, leaving them in the sun with the open part facing upwards.

Finally, Juliana reinforces that some measures can help maintain the health of the scalp, such as washing your hair frequently, maintaining a good dietary pattern, practicing physical activities, having a good sleep pattern, hydrating yourself well, managing stress and have a healthy gut microbiota.

If hair loss problems persist, experts advise seeking a professional to assess whether there are genetic patterns or associated diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, which may be worsening the condition.

Speed ​​on the track and hair blowing in the wind: see the before and after of the hair of great F1 drivers:

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