The map of Oviedo subscribers by provinces: which are the most faithful blue territories?

by time news

It is seen every time Real Oviedo travels through the Second Division fields: there in the stands there is always a group of supporters dressed in the blue shirt. Oviedism goes beyond the limits of the Asturian border and the registration data of the members demonstrates this: Oviedo has 594 subscribers who reside outside the Principality. Of the 50 provinces that make up Spain, there are 44 (plus Melilla) with at least one member of the blue team.

According to the data offered by the club and which can be verified in the graph that accompanies this information, Asturias brings together the majority of supporters, with 19,515 subscribers. It represents 97% of the support. The second focus of greatest support is concentrated in the capital of Spain. 266 blue subscribers reside in Madrid this season. The support for the Carbayón club is evident when it comes to a match in the capital, as could be felt recently in the duel played in Leganés.

Madrid, with 266 subscribers, is the largest focus outside of Asturias; followed by Leon

Madrid is the second most numerous origin and it seems logical due to the high number of Asturians emigrated for reasons of study and work. The capital itself brings together 171 supporters, but it has the support of 7 subscribers in Pozuelo de Alarcón and as many in Tres Cantos.

The following areas with more partners are based on the principle of proximity. The neighboring province of León provides 61 subscribers, while 37 reside in Cantabria. Behind, Barcelona, ​​with 28; Balearic Islands, with 15; and Lugo and Coruña, with 14, complete the top-8.

In the registry by municipalities there are some curiosities. For example, the Leonese town of Virgen del Camino, with 5,000 inhabitants, brings together six partners; and the Balearic Islands of Ouig de Ros, 1,700 residents, three. The subscriber who supports from further away resides in Arona, in the south of the island of Tenerife, almost 2,000 kilometers away from Oviedo.

Lands to explore. There are only six provinces in which no member of the Carbayón club currently resides. In Catalonia, where the largest number of supporters is concentrated in Barcelona, ​​only Lérida remains without any subscribers. In Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca and Albacete resist, while in Andalusia, there are three provinces without the presence of subscribers: Huelva, Córdoba and Almería.

There are no blue members in Lérida, Albacete, Cuenca, Huelva, Córdoba and Almería


Madrid and Castilla León, in the lead. By communities, and without counting Asturias, Madrid and its 266 supporters prevailed again, followed by Castilla y León, which adds 95. Behind: Galicia (39), Cantabria (37), Catalonia (33), Valencian Community (18), Basque Country (17), Balearic Islands (15), Andalusia (15), Canary Islands (12), Castilla-La Mancha (12), La Rioja (10), Navarra (9), Aragon (7), Extremadura (5) and Murcia (2), the autonomous city of Melilla contributes two subscribers, Ceuta, none.

Beat Sporting. In the data that Oviedo manages, 20,109 members are already counted. They explain from the entity, that the figure includes the category of newborns (with great pull in recent times), in addition to the cards that are delivered to players, members of the Genuine or Women’s. The figure offers several conclusions. For example, that four years later the barrier of 20,000 subscribers is overcome again. In addition, the historical record is not that far away. The ceiling was situated in the 17/18 campaign and the 20,827 cards distributed and the current season remains at 718 faithful. A figure to take into account in a campaign in which the sporting element has not accompanied.

In addition, the figure allows the blues to exceed the number of subscribers to Sporting which, according to the latest data published by this same newspaper on February 16, reached 20,048, which would mean 61 members in favor of the entity from the capital of Principality.

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