Optimism at the wheel

by time news

Vhe British king could learn the art of self-mockery and also that of subtle political influence, as was the case during his avoided dinner for one and his fortieth visit to Germany. But we don’t need a king with a sense of humor. We have our own club to promote optimism and a spirit of optimism with the board members Ricarda Lang, Jürgen Resch and Marietta Slomka, which was in top form again this week. Instead of campaigning for flower pots on the freeways and their one-lane dismantling, Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck gave in and actually decided to avoid traffic jams, speed up transport infrastructure measures and even for a kind of economic solidarity with Wissing’s FDP. The green Greens, the German Environmental Aid and the Today Journal have to get the April weather rained palm tree on principle, fortunately someone here makes sure that climate protection and a sense of proportion do not combine too much.

Holger Appel

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Engine”.

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In fact, so much pragmatism is hardly bearable, especially since there is no reason for the change. The bypass was recently completed in a friend’s place on the Hessian-Bavarian border, after just 20 years of planning and construction, and it cost just 32 million euros. Well, the lighting is missing, it wasn’t there in the hurry, but it will be retrofitted and now accelerated by the coalition. The nonsense of such a street proves itself promptly. As soon as it is finished, cars drive on it. If it hadn’t been built, people would cycle the 60 kilometers to work in Frankfurt.

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A report from the International Council on Clean Transportation, according to which the local car manufacturers with their newly registered passenger cars in 2022 were well below the legally prescribed fleet limit, could be a little disturbing. 119 g CO2/km was required, 107 g it has become. BMW, one of the worst offenders with all their SUVs and 200-thing sleds, is 105g. The people from the optimism promotion association certainly wanted to mention that too, it just wasn’t the time right now, or forgetting happens. In the meantime, let’s mingle with young people who have been driving 100 percent electrically for a long time. On the curb, in the bumper car. We even saw some young people laughing behind the wheel. shocking

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