After discovering cases in Guinea and Tanzania.. an American warning of the deadly Marburg virus

by time news

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has warned travelers to Guinea and Tanzania of infection with the deadly Marburg virus.

explained”CDCIt has sent a team of experts to help stop the outbreak, according to a report published by the network.Fox“.

Marburg virus causes a highly contagious hemorrhagic fever and is in the same family as the Ebola virus, both of which have the potential to cause high mortality rates among infected people.

Symptoms of infection with this virus include high temperature, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

In February, Guinea announced the first case of the Marburg virus, and so far nine confirmed cases have been discovered, all of which have died, with 20 other suspected cases, according to the World Health Organization.

In Tanzania, the authorities announced eight injuries, of whom five have died so far, according to the World Health Organization.

According to the World Health Organization, mortality rates among those infected with Marburg virus range from 24 to 88 percent, according to previous outbreaks.

Marburg virus was first transmitted to people from bats in Africa, where miners and cave workers contracted it.

What are the dangers of Marburg virus? And why does it cause panic in Africa?

On Monday, the World Health Organization confirmed the emergence of Marburg virus infections in Equatorial Guinea, noting that it had caused the death of at least nine people in Qui Ntim province.

Although this virus is not transmitted through the air, it spreads quickly through direct contact between people, especially associated with fluids such as blood, saliva or urine, and even the bodies of infected people can remain infectious upon burial.

Scientists first identified this virus in 1967, when it spread among laboratory workers in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany, and in Belgrade while conducting research on animals imported from Uganda.

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