Fishermen – police investigators gather in mass blockade protest in Yali!

by time news

A protest was carried out by the fishermen’s associations in the Jaffna – Barutthurai area.

This protest started today at 7 o’clock in the morning at the Port of Perudithura and was carried out by blocking the Perudithura Road and then went to the Perudithura Divisional Secretariat where the protest was carried out by besieging the Divisional Secretariat.

After that, after the assurance given during the talks with the officials of the Divisional Secretariat and the police, the protest has been temporarily suspended.

Affidavit given

To learn more about this,

The protest was carried out by 14 fishermen’s associations in Vadamaratsi Vada demanding to stop illegal fishing activities involving narrow nets.

The gates of the Perduthura Regional Secretariat were blocked so that none of the employees of the Perduthura Divisional Secretariat could enter for duty and the protestors sat down and blocked the road.

Road blockade

Fishermen - police investigators gather in mass blockade protest in Yali!  |  Jaffna Point Pedro Fisherman Protest Vadamarachi

The protestors have said that they will not back down from the protest until we get our solution.

During this, the people started protesting by raising slogans like let the seafarers live or die, immediately stop the fishing nets hitting the stomachs of the seafarers and immediately stop all the banned industries.

Police presence

Fishermen - police investigators gather in mass blockade protest in Yali!  |  Jaffna Point Pedro Fisherman Protest Vadamarachi

Sri Lanka Police and investigators were concentrated in the area where this protest was taking place and engaged in surveillance activities.

It is also worth noting that the judge, who had gone that way for court duty, also had to go back due to the protest.


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