Strauss in surprising data: this is what the company’s employee structure looks like

by time news

Strauss Building (Shutterstock photo)

As part of the perception of responsibility and transparency towards its stakeholders, the Strauss Group chooses to report publicly, broadly and in depth as much as possible on its performance in its ESG areas. The group’s sustainability report has been published for the 17th consecutive year and for about three years the group has made sure to publish this report together with the publication of the annual report as part of a concept of managing the entirety of its environmental, social and economic effects at the same time out of a commitment to transparency and dialogue with all stakeholders.

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The report shows that the group is in the process of assimilating the ESG strategy across all of the group’s businesses. Strauss continues to increase its investments in promoting diversity, equality and inclusion in employment and the local economy in the various markets in which it operates. The report shows Strauss’ continued investment in promoting a variety of food choices that are adapted to the needs of different communities and continued investment in the development of sustainable food through, among other things, The Kitchen greenhouse.

In addition, the group reports on initiatives to improve and reduce its environmental impacts such as reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, waste treatment, promoting sustainable packaging and more. In each of these areas, the group has set goals and works every year to improve performance while developing dedicated projects in the constant pursuit of reducing the negative impact on the environment and increasing the positive impact on people.

According to the CEO of the Strauss Group, Shay Babad: “In the past year, we defined a new mission and launched a business strategy in which we embedded the principles of ESG, with the understanding that sustainability is an essential part of the business. In our view, when we provide better choices, we create a better future For us business-wise, for communities and also for the planet and the environment.”

According to the report, the Strauss Group continued to improve in most of the international ESG ratings that measure its performance. The company continued to carry the diversity flag, which it raised about twenty years ago. This year, Strauss led projects for employment diversity within the Arab society and the ultra-Orthodox society, the marketing teams continued to operate According to the “marketing that shapes reality” strategy, which includes the presentation of diverse characters from all parts of the population in the group’s official publications, Strauss also presents that the percentage of women in management positions in the company stands at approximately 48%, making good progress towards the goal of 50% women at the management level, alongside most of women on the board.

The group continued to support people from diverse circles out of a commitment to create a better future, through direct contact with the communities in which it operates. In the peak community event “Summer of Volunteering”, over 1,500 employees of the group all over the world participated. The group provided humanitarian aid and food donations in Israel, routinely and in emergencies, and also helped throughout the year to the victims of the war in Ukraine in addition to providing assistance and a support envelope to its employees there.

Also, the group continued to promote the Sustaining Cow Project for the welfare of the cows in the cowsheds it works with, the MORE THAN A CUP, “Florda” and “Tribus” projects were expanded, through which the company supports approximately 50,000 female farmers and coffee farmers in developing countries. It also continued to promote the reduction of food waste and increased the percentage of waste that is not directed to landfill to 89%.

around the
1,530 tons of products that were not suitable for sale were donated to needy families
A decrease in the intensity of direct greenhouse gas emissions (complex 1+2) compared to 2016
The group’s packaging materials can be recycled or reused (based on the purchased ton).
An increase in the use of renewable energies (in relation to 2021).
Of the waste that did not reach the landfill and was recycled, reused or converted to energy. 1 billion disposable bottles were saved by consumers of Strauss water.
92.5% of the suppliers are local
100% of Strauss milk suppliers participate in programs to improve sustainability and cow welfare.

NIS 23.6 million was invested in creating a social impact (money and worth money)
18,700 volunteer hours of male and female workers
48.4% women in management levels (not including Brazil)
17.5% of the male and female workers in the Strauss Group are associated with underrepresented communities (excluding Brazil
84% of sales of the group’s products are from sales of the Strauss Group’s products associated with health and wellness categories
50,000 farmers received support this year through Strauss Coffee projects
29% of Strauss Israel’s product portfolio is free of peanut allergens
10% of the food sales marketed in Israel and the USA are vegan
23.2% of Strauss Israel’s product portfolio is gluten-free

Corporate governance
66.6% women on the board of directors
NIS 873 million was raised by the portfolio companies of the foodtech incubator The kitchen
16,538 employees in the Strauss group

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