Angie: “How do I get rid of the barley grains in my face?”

by time news

Angie (40) has been suffering from barley grains around her eyes for some time now. “Even on my eyelids there are these little bumps and they are getting more and more. It doesn’t look very appetizing. How do I get rid of this? Can I do this myself or do I have to take it to a specialist?”

“It’s true that they are barley grains. Doctors also call them ‘milia’,” says research doctor in cosmetic dermatology Jetske Ultee. “Many people sometimes confuse Christmas grains with blackheads, because such a white dot can also appear. But barley grains are really something else, and require a different approach.”

Ultee explains: “Blackheads are pores that are clogged with sebum and skin flakes. Barley grains lie a little deeper in the skin and consist of clots of accumulated keratin. They form when dead skin cells do not fall off your skin on their own. They then get stuck under the new layer of skin, harden and form a barley grain.”

According to the research doctor, barley grains are ‘very common’, and often – just like with Angie – around the eyes, on the cheeks and near the nose. Rest assured, they are innocent. “But most people would rather not have them.”

Angie also wants to get rid of it as soon as possible, can she push out the barley grains herself? “No, that’s not a good idea. Barley grains are too deep in the skin. It is best to have a barley grain removed by a beautician or skin therapist. They prick the grains with a sterile needle and then carefully pop them out . Do not work with needles or knives yourself. Certainly not with grains close to the eyes.”

Exfoliate and moisturize

According to Ultee, to prevent barley grains in the future, you must first ensure that the dead skin cells do not accumulate. “In other words: ‘exfoliate’. An exfoliant with salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid gently removes dead skin cells. Vitamin A acid also prevents blockages.”

“The chance of getting barley grains increases if your skin is not properly hydrated. Certain medications can also cause the grains, such as creams with corticosteroids. And skin damage, such as from sun radiation. Therefore, use products that moisturize and protect your skin. Choose for example for a cream with niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and glycerine, and with an SPF when you go outside.”

Rubriek: Asking for a friend

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