no service will have to close in April, according to François Braun

by time news

François Braun, Minister of Health. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

With the establishment of a salary cap for interim doctors, the Minister of Health is trying to reassure about the fear of possible closures of health services.

Since Monday, temporary doctors at the hospital are subject to a remuneration ceiling of 1390 euros for 24 hours. “I just decided to enforce the lawdeclared François Braun, Minister of Health, at the microphone of RMC. Initiated in 2016 by Marisol Tourraine, this salary cap was voted as part of the Rist law of 2021. Hospitals are exposed to legal proceedings in the event of non-compliance with it.

However, hospitals fear that they will no longer be able to recruit doctors, in a current context of shortage. Hospital services, such as emergencies, would be threatened with closure. “There is no service that will close so «dried» in April, thanks to the mobilization of establishments, doctors and thanks to the solidarity of the territoriesnevertheless reassured François Braun. “Ona already solutions for the first three weeks of April“, he specifies. The National Union of Hospital Replacement Physicians estimates that 300 services are threatened with “imminent closure” starting Monday. “It’s an extremely urgent situation, I have no doubt that the temporary workers will return to the hospital.confided the minister.

«I have nothing against medical temporary workers but there are abuses with astronomical sums“, points out the Minister of Health, before adding:”It is this system that must be condemned, not the doctors themselves“. With salaries that can go up to 4,000 euros for only 24 hours, the government intends to fight against temporary work “cannibal“. The French Hospital Federation (FHF), for its part, supports this law and denounces the cost for hospitals and public finances which has “tripled in ten yearsand reached 1.5 billion euros. The FHF also points out “situations harmful to team cohesion».

On the other hand, the minister hears “value” the doctors. “ I want to revalue hospital practitioners in the context of their hardship and their career” did he declare. The Minister claims to have taken measuresin this sense» and discuss with the «hospital doctors’ unions». «We must pass this milestone to properly rebuild our health systemhe concluded.


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