«Parasite», the actress Park So Dam operated on for papillary thyroid cancer- time.news

by time news
from Simona Marchetti

After being diagnosed during a routine checkup, the 30-year-old South Korean star had to stop promoting her new film

He was looking forward to promoting his new film «Special Delivery», but a papillary thyroid cancer – diagnosed during a recent routine checkup – changed the work plans of Park So Dam, forcing the protagonist of “Parasite” to undergo surgery. “Park So Dam is very disappointed not to be able to promote” Special Delivery “- said her agency, ArtistCompany, in a statement to CNN – and we wish to thank once again Park So Dam itself, as well as all the actors and “Special Delivery” staff for having overcome this difficult moment together ».

After appearing in numerous South Korean productions, including “The Priests” and “The Silenced”, in 2019 the 30-year-old actress also became famous internationally thanks to Hong Joon Ho’s cult film, “Parasite”, which won the Palme d’Or at Cannes (the first South Korean film to win this award) and four Oscars (including the one for best film): in the film she plays the young artist who is hired to do art therapy with the son of the wealthy Park family.

As stated on the Mayo Clinic website, papillary thyroid cancer diagnosed in Park So Dam is the most common type of thyroid cancer and typically affects people under the age of 40, mostly women. “Now actress Park So Dam will focus on her recovery – concluded the note from the agency – and we will do our best to help you get back to full health ».

December 14, 2021 (change December 14, 2021 | 11:55)

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