Colon and rectal cancer: Impact, diagnosis and care

by time news
  • The population with the highest risk is that made up of older adults between 65 and 75 years of age, although it occurs earlier each time.
  • According to data from the Ministry of Health, in our country about 15,000 new cases are diagnosed annually.
  • According to the IMSS, 90 percent of people diagnosed in early stages manage to recover.

Colon and rectal cancer is more common than most Mexicans may think. For the same reason, many times it is not taken into account and it is a serious mistake. According to the Ministry of Health (SSa) every year about 15,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country, with Mexico City, the State of Mexico and northern entities registering the most patients.

Main problem: It is quiet

The also known as Colorectal cancer It is a type of tumor that does not produce signs or symptoms in its initial phase and can present various variations depending on the person. However, it is important to know the signs that help us detect it in a timely manner. For example, intestinal changes such as constipation or diarrhea, rectal bleeding or cramping, and abdominal pain.

With the passage of time it has covered more population

Although this type of cancer is detected more frequently in older adults between 65 and 75 years of age. In fact, the American Cancer Society mentions that in the last 25 years cases have doubled in people under 55 years of age.

In this sense, the study “Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic? Current evidence and future implications” mentions that this increase is due to a mixture of risk factors and aspects related to lifestyle. Together they are responsible for the increased risk of developing colon and rectal cancer.

“It is extremely important that Mexicans know and understand the symptoms that can occur, as well as the risk factors for colorectal cancer. This will help promote its prevention and timely detection, thereby reducing its presence in the Mexican population” commented Dr. Abdel Karim Dip Borunda, Medical Oncologist.

Adequate nutrition, a fundamental pillar

It is important that people know the risk factors that trigger this condition. According to various studies carried out by the Department of Nutrition of the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, a consumption of red meat greater than 500 grams per week and the habitual consumption of processed meats increase the chances of suffering from colon and rectal cancer.

“For this reason, it is essential to take into account that a healthy diet in which foods such as fruits, vegetables, a diet rich in fiber and whole grains and legumes are consumed can help reduce the risk,” mentioned nutritionist Melissa Tena.

The key is timely detection

Most of the colorectal tumors They start through an abnormal growth in the tissue of the colon or rectum known as polyps. Although most are benign, some types can turn into cancer over time.

For this reason it is important to carry out early detection tests to start treatment in an effective and less invasive way. According to IMSS data, 9 out of 10 cases of colon cancer can be cured if detected early.

“It is important to generate greater awareness and knowledge in society about this condition, as well as highlight the importance of going to regular medical check-ups to detect it early. In this sense, it is important to highlight that if it is diagnosed on time, the survival rate of colorectal cancer in early stages is close to 90%” mentioned Dr. Abdel Karim Dip Borunda, Medical Oncologist.

There are treatments

The colonoscopy It is the medical procedure with which colon and rectal cancer can be diagnosed; However, patients who suffer from it seek to see an oncology specialist, who provide greater care and advice on the condition, as well as identify the stage of the disease and thus have a better treatment that consists of surgeries, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination of them, which seeks to improve their quality of life.

Also read:

Colon cancer, the second tumor with the highest mortality in Mexico

Is it possible to prevent the development of colon cancer?

What are the differences between colon cancer and rectal cancer?

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