Video .. shocking facts about the fastest organism on the planet!

by time news

The peregrine falcon, or what is known as the peregrine falcon, is classified as the fastest being in the air, sea, and land, without competition, and this speed enabled it to be present in all parts of the world, as it can travel twenty-five thousand kilometers in one year.

And speed is not the only supernatural ability of the peregrine falcon, as it also has supernatural eyesight, eight times stronger than human sight, an ability that makes the peregrine able to see a mouse from a distance of more than three kilometers, and its brain processes images much faster than a human, despite the excessive speed of the peregrine, However, he sees the scene clearly, due to the rapid frequency of vision in his eyes and the high ability of his brain to process it, and therefore it possesses an impeccable vision, and therefore the proverb is set in it when it is said, “His eyes are like the eyes of a hawk.”

In addition to all that, peregrine falcons see what humans do not see, as they see ultraviolet rays, as they can track their prey by seeing signs of rat urine and track their location. water super fast.

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