What is HPV and how is it removed?

by time news

The Human Papilloma Virus is what several types of viruses that are related to each other are known. Here we tell you more about what is HPV and how is it removed.

Although there is currently no real cure for Human Papillomavirus or HPV, there are various treatments that are used to prevent complications from these viruses.

What is HPV and how is it removed? / Photo: iStock

What is HPV?

According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, there are around 200 types of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), of which 40 are those that affect the genital area.

Although there is a belief that they are only transmitted sexually, this is not always the case, as there have been cases in which there is spread of HPV by other types of skin-to-skin contact.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that although not all human papillomaviruses are fatal, there are some types that are at greater risk, since they are associated with producing diseases such as:

Some types of HPV usually manifest through warts on the skin or in the genital area, others generate internal lesions, such as lesions on the cervix, and others do not cause any type of bodily damage.

What is HPV and how is it removed? / Photo: iStock

How are HPV lesions treated?

Now that you’re learning what is HPV and how is it removedyou should know that unfortunately there is no definitive cure for this virus, however there are treatment alternatives to reduce the risk of developing more serious diseases.

While some types of HPV can go away on their own over time and without the need for drugs and interventions, some others need more treatment to keep you safe.

When HPV causes warts on the skin, usually the health professional will recommend the application of creams with dermatological ingredients that usually need many applications before seeing results.

Mayo Clinic reports on the ways in which HPV lesions are treated, these treatments are usually used when professional creams do not work on warts, in addition to treating internal lesions on the cervix:

  • Cryosurgery: With this therapy, the aim is to freeze and destroy the abnormal tissue of the cervix affected by HPV. It can be done in the office without anesthesia.
  • Laser: The American Cancer Association reports that laser ablation seeks to direct a laser beam through the vagina to burn off abnormal cells.
    It can be done in the operating room or in the office.
  • Loop electrosurgical excision: Mayo Clinic explains this procedure as a thin, loop-shaped wire that is charged with an electrical current to remove affected tissue.
  • Cold knife conization: In this procedure, medical personnel remove cone-shaped tissue where the virus causing the lesions might be harbored.

  • Surgical removal: Surgical removal is the removal of all tissue that may put the person’s health at risk, such as removal of the uterus.

To prevent you from having some type of high-risk virus, the application of the HPV vaccine is recommended, which protects against some of the most dangerous types of these viruses, without the need to resort to any of these interventions.

What is HPV and how is it removed? / Photo: iStock

How is HPV diagnosed?

The Human Papilloma Virus is diagnosed through tests such as papanicolaou, colposcopy or directly through HPV detection tests.

Experts say that, although there is correct use of barrier condoms such as condoms, there is no protection method that is completely effective in preventing HPV infections, so 2/3 of the sexually active world population could be infected. .

Although research on what is HPV and how is it removed are still under development, there are currently longer life expectancies and improvements in the quality of life of infected people, so early detection is key to receiving the correct treatment. Go with a professional.

If you want to know more about this topic, we leave you an explanatory video about what the symptoms of HPV infection can be.

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