Carol singers collect for the Brazilian rainforest this year

by time news

Climate focus also with the carol singers: This year tens of thousands of Austrian children and young people collect for the indigenous peoples in Brazil’s rainforest and thus also the preservation of the “green lungs of the earth”. But it’s also about the local climate. The positive response in the previous year has shown “how important it is for the people visited that the holy kings bring the Christmas blessing for the new year,” said the Epiphany on Tuesday.

SN / APA / Paul Feuersaenger / Paul Feuer

Carol singers are also on the road this year with a mask and distance

As during the Corona Christmas last year, the carolers will be out and about with a mask and distance. Over 85,000 carol singers from 3,000 parishes go from house to house around Epiphany (January 6th) for the largest development campaign in the country. In the previous year, more than 13 million euros in donations were collected. 500 carol singing projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America are supported. This year’s focus is the Brazilian rainforest, which is being defended by indigenous people against exploitation and destruction.

“The visit of the carol singers is a very important sign. They bring the peace and blessings of Christmas to the people and collect for people all over the world who urgently need our help right now,” emphasized the Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn according to Kathpress. The carol singers will visit him on December 27th to kick off their campaign. On the same day they asked National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) for donations, and on December 30th, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. Congratulations and blessings can also be sent personalized at

Accessed on December 14, 2021 at 3:15 am on

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