The Enrique Núñez Rodríguez contest is being called

by time news

The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac) and the Juventud Rebelde newspaper convene the Enrique Núñez Rodríguez national contest, “as an endearing tribute, precisely in the year of his centenary, to whoever was one of the most exalted growers of all the times of this genre in Cuba, and with the purpose of also promoting the production of costumbrista texts related to our popular and traditional culture”, says the note.

Unpublished works may compete, not committed to editorials or other contests, with a maximum length of three pages. These will be sent, in original and two copies, to Juventud Rebelde Newspaper (Territorial and General Suárez, Plaza de la Revolución, Havana) or in digital format to the email: [email protected].

The admission period will close on April 30, 2023. The results will be announced in May of this year.

The jury will award a single prize and the mentions it deems pertinent, and its decision will be final. The works that are recognized will be published in JR and will receive an accrediting diploma.

Enrique Núñez Rodríguez, a popular writer and screenwriter who cultivated the Cuban costumbrista theater, bequeathed us unforgettable titles of the Cuban national scene and TV programs full of his good humor that can still be remembered.

In addition, he was a regular contributor for several years to the Sunday edition of JR, with the chronicles that he published between 1987 and 2002 under the title of the space El vecino de los bajos, in a nice allusion to the time when his texts appeared sharing space in the page with the reproduction of works by Gabriel García Márquez. (With information from the UNEAC website. Publication date March 29, 2023).

Cover photo: Taken from the UNEAC website

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