The Electric Company: Employees reported false attendance times

by time news

As part of the supervision and control system at the Electric Company, the company revealed findings, apparently, according to which there were employees working in the field, who reported false attendance times, among other things, using a dedicated application to falsify the user’s real location.

The Electric Company stated that the deepening of the investigation of eight employees, whose initial findings in their case were the most significant (among other things in view of the number of false reports in which the aforementioned were suspected), revealed at this stage that the employees reported attendance hours, which do not correspond to the actual working hours, and which according to which they received payments to which they were not entitled.

“The Electric Company treats this phenomenon with zero tolerance and continues to complete the necessary tests until it is perfect, and also examines the necessary steps towards the employees who are suspected of being involved in the affair on its various aspects in accordance with the provisions of the law, will make the required reports to the authorities according to any law and according to the need, will act according to their instructions,” the company further stated.

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