in Crimea the Russians are taking refuge in defense –

by time news
Of Lorenzo Cremona

Satellite photos show the work along the coasts of the peninsula: the Army is preparing for the Ukrainian counter-offensive scheduled for the next few weeks

KIEV – From offensive to defense: for several weeks now, Russian strategy appears to have completely revolutionized compared to the initial months of the war last year. Except for the area of ​​Donbass between the salient (the part of the battle theater that projects into enemy territory) of Bakhmut, Avdiivka in front of Donetsk and little else, for the rest their soldiers dig trenches, build bunkers, set up Friesian horses, place anti-tank dragon teeth and stockpile ammo in underground storages. The Washington Post publishes a long series of satellite images procured by Maxar, a commercial company specializing in space technology, where the intricate networks of freshly dug trenches along the coasts of the Crimean peninsula.

At the town of Medvedivka, for example, the trenches run parallel to the beach and are interspersed with deep holes where to position artillery and tanks. Around that of Vitino, on the west coast, the fortifications appear to have been designed to stop a landing of crawlers from the sea, an eventuality that experts consider remote. But the expectation for the spring offensive, which Kiev continues to flaunt in different tones by experts and spokesmen, is pushing the Russian commands to intensify work to improve defenses. It seems that the BTM-3, a giant Soviet-era metal excavator with rotating blades capable of advancing about 800 meters per hour and which uses the removed earth to erect the railings that improve protection for the soldiers, is widely used.

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Ukrainians are not standing idly by. The 34-year-old Ivan Fedorov, who mayor of Melitopol already a month ago told us about his city’s preparations to drive out the Russians and facilitate the advance of the Ukrainian units towards the Crimea, yesterday added that the activities of the partisan guerrillas are growing. In the last two weeks we have assassinated at least three collaborators in the service of the occupiers and injured many more with bombs and armed attacks. We have a list of 700 names of collaborators to hunt down in the Melitopol region. They know it and are starting to run away. Our units also carry out attacks on ammunition depots, railways and roads, she explained.

April 4, 2023 (change April 4, 2023 | 14:07)

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