Mexican Healthtechs: Main problems they solve

by time news
  • 80% of telemedicine users consider that the quality of these remote services is as good as face-to-face appointments.
  • Digital health has a wide variety of technologies ranging from mobile apps and wearable devices to telemedicine.
  • During the pandemic, Mexican healthtech companies and the rest of Latin America grew 2.5 times more than the startup ecosystem in general.

The impact of technology can be seen in all areas and today more than ever health is a priority. It has even generated the expansion of Mexican healthtechs. According to Statista, the income from the digital health market in our country is on the rise and it is expected that by 2025 it will reach a value of 2 billion pesos.

What is a HealthTech?

First of all it is necessary to start with the basics. The simplest definition is that these are companies that create and use health technology to improve current processes. With this they offer disruptive solutions and also reduce processes.

“The health contingency accelerated some processes alluding to technology. Currently, startups have positioned themselves as viable alternatives to provide solutions to the new needs of the population in terms of health, such as remote services, new inputs with a greater focus on well-being and greater inclusion,” says Tamara Chayo, CEO and founder of MEDU Protection.

According to the entrepreneur, in the short and medium term, innovative health organizations seek to gain a foothold in the market by developing products with a consumer-focused approach that are effective in a post-pandemic environment.

“The digital health market has a wide variety of technologies, ranging from mobile applications, wearable devices to telemedicine. In Mexico, these startups are democratizing access to high-quality health services that contribute to the well-being of the entire population.”

During the health contingency, Mexican healthtech and the rest of Latin America grew 2.5 times more compared to the growth of the general startup ecosystem, which confirms that they are finding great opportunities by bringing services to sectors of the population with basic needs, according to The LATAM Tech Report 2022. Health and innovation

Health problems that Mexican healthtechs solve

  • Doctors and nurses on-demand (including telemedicine).
  • Medical diagnostic applications.
  • Software for the development of state-of-the-art medical clothing.
  • Platforms to improve mental health, consultation management.
  • Platforms to remotely monitor patients, among others.

Another of the problems that startups seek to solve is expanding the supply of health services. Figures from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) specify that more than 33 million people do not have rights or affiliation to public or private health services, which represents a sector of opportunities for these companies, especially through of telemedicine.

According to Statista, currently more than 80% of telemedicine users consider that the quality of these remote services is as good as face-to-face appointments.

“During the pandemic, the smartphone was an essential tool for the health sector and it continues to be so today because in the palm of their hand, patients and health personnel have the opportunity to manage products or services for their care.”

Statista estimates that more than 60% of users use telemedicine applications to clarify doubts and 20% have general medical appointments remotely. This is a significant percentage of users who require basic medical services and who can access them immediately through their mobile devices and without having to spend time in transfers or waiting rooms.

Also read:

Momentu, new Latin American healthtech for comprehensive health

This was the fastest growing Mexican HealthTech in 2022

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