Dani Álvarez replaces Félix Linares at the helm of ‘La Noche de…’

by time news

The journalist Dani Álvarez will take over from Félix Linares as presenter of ‘La Noche de…’, the veteran ETB-2 programme. His choice, announced yesterday during the broadcast, closes the ‘casting’ announced just a few weeks ago to find the successor and puts a seasoned professional in the field of communication both on radio and television in command of the cinematographic space. The new signing is from A Coruña, he is 45 years old, he is the head of News at Radio Euskadi and, since September 2020, he has directed the midday newscast ‘Crónica de Euskadi’. His experience in this field is endorsed by the previous direction of ‘Ganbara’, for five years, and the magazine ‘Boulevard’ for another eleven. It is one of the references of the public station, although in recent times it has also made the leap to the small screen. He is known for his participation in ‘Politically incorrect’, ‘Set 2.0’ and ‘The bone reader’. His last foray into television came last year with the series of interviews included in ‘El Día de Mañana’. The Galician journalist also boasts another facet: his devotion to heavy metal, a musical style of which he is a declared fan and which leads him to travel thousands of kilometers to attend concerts and festivals, and of which he writes in a blog .

Dani Alvarez

  • Personal information.
    Born in the town of As Pontes in A Coruña in September 1977.

  • Formation.
    He studied journalism at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and entered Radio Euskadi as a scholarship holder in 2000.

  • Resume.
    Head of News at Radio Euskadi, directs the news program ‘Crónica de Euskadi’ at noon. At the station he has also presented the programs ‘Ganbara’ and Boulevard ‘. On television he has led the programs ‘Politically incorrect’, ‘Plató 2.0’ and ‘El lector de huesos’.

The transfer of powers between Linares and Álvarez will take place in an extraordinary edition of the program that will take place next Tuesday, April 11, and that will be held at the Campos Elíseos Theater in Bilbao, which was the oldest cinema in the Basque Country. The appointment has a special meaning, since it will mark chapter 1,500 of the program, born on September 19, 1995 and become the most veteran of ‘prime time’ on the regional channel.

The participation of Félix Linares, initially conceived as a presentation curtain for the obligatory film, has been erected, over the years, into a space with its own entity dedicated to the dissemination of the history of the seventh art. The special installment is intended as a tribute to its first conductor through a review of previous broadcasts and greetings from leading figures in the Basque audiovisual sector such as Elena Irureta, Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Itziar Ituño and Eneko Sagardoy. In addition, the substitute will interview his predecessor and unknown curiosities until the moment of the program and its presenter will be revealed.

Linares is still on the radio

The program, however, will follow the usual mechanics and, after the dialogue, the film ‘The best offer’, directed by the prestigious Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore and starring Geoffrey Rush, Donald Sutherland and Jim Sturgess, will be broadcast. ‘The Night of…’ has also been characterized by the television premiere of numerous quality titles.

Linares’s departure does not mean, in any case, his goodbye to the world of cinema. The journalist, who will continue to participate in the radio program ‘Pompas de papel’, will also be the star of a podcast version of ‘La Noche de…’ with the same interest in cinematographic information. During eight chapters he will shell out various contents around the seventh art in an initiative integrated into the EITBGPodkast platform. The first installment, dedicated to two stars as far apart in time as Errol Flynn and Brad Pitt, is already available and the second will be available starting tomorrow, April 6.

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