An evening with actress Justa Zinkevičiūtė

by time news

March 28 An evening was held at the Birštonas public library with Juste Zinkevičiūta, an actress, TV presenter, founder of the women’s philosophy “Pasimatuoks jūrū” and author of the book “While the Seagulls Yawn”. Presenting her second book, J. Zinkevičiūtė vividly and vividly told about its birth and the book’s adventures among readers.
“While the seagulls yawn” Justė wrote for four years. The first – “A cup of coffee by the sea” – became very popular, a reprint was published. J. Zinkevičiūtė joked that both books have two authors: “A cup of coffee by the sea” was created together with his brother, who is not lacking in eloquence, and who said: I will write, and you write. Their dialogue was fruitful. The book “While the seagulls yawn” contains the story of Juste’s grandfather Leon about Nida, his grandfather’s wisdom and experience. About this unique corner of nature is told only as much as is necessary to reveal the main character and her change of states. It is here that a woman heals painful experiences, here she writes letters to her ex-lover, here she communicates with an unknown old man who silently understands her, does not teach her, but gives her valuable advice – as if inserting them into her memories, among other things. Communication and nature act as therapy for a woman. And most importantly, she allows herself to be herself, regains herself and her life.
Due to this aspect, J. Zinkevičiūtė’s “Kol živauja žuvėdros” is a bibliotherapy book. The women who visited this year’s Book Fair asked Juste how she knew their story. The universal theme is unhappy love, but in the book, the way out of the crisis in the relationship with oneself and the world is shown openly and by choosing the right details. Therefore, the plot touches the heart, it can make you cry inside, sorrows roll down your cheeks…
Justė started writing to express herself, because writing itself is therapeutic, and to tell others a story. Your story? Can a book be born without any experience? When writing, the actress created the main character as an actress, thinking about how she should look, dress, move, speak. It was necessary to add fantasy, not only based on my own and other women’s experiences. That is why the letter section is in the book. You write a letter, you don’t send it, but it’s like you talked to that person, and all the problems melt away.
The main problem that led to the birth of the second book is unpaid debts to oneself. What debts? All kinds. Inattention to yourself, anger at yourself, lack of time… Many debts, which sooner or later manifest themselves in physical diseases. The inner pain is transferred to the physical body. You ride a bike, says Justė, it hurts so much, it hurts so much, and the seagulls yawn on the jetty. They YAWN and you HURT. This is how the title of the book was born.
Justė also included the listeners in the conversation, who narrated, commented and asked for details. And, probably, everyone agreed with the guest that it is very important to live your life, that you need to dare to say “no”, to give up what you don’t like, what prevents you from being happy.
The evening smelled of the roaring sea. Maybe people who grew up near the sea really get its breath? Sometimes it waves calmly, pleasantly and joyfully, and sometimes it crashes into the sand with black foam. The warm and bright, mischievous and playful, serious and thoughtful dialogue with the actress and author of books Juste Zinkevičiūta ended, but it did not end inside the listeners.
Kristina Bačiulienė

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