New appeal to French people from the Place d’Armes association

by time news

Parade is a “civic association” which brings together former soldiers “around the sovereign notions of patriotism, security and the spirit of defence”. This Wednesday, April 5, she is at the origin of a new appeal to the people of France, with the aim of alerting French citizens about “the disastrous situation” from the country.

A disaster that is visible, in the eyes of the association, through the depreciation of the education and health system; the collapse of the energy, agricultural and industrial model; of the end of a French army “internationally admired” : “everything that touched excellence is now rubble”.

Place d’Armes therefore asks for “accounts to rulers”compared to “all these failures, these betrayals and these lies” which mean that France would not be “no longer considered a great Nation”.

According to her, the country is now “subordinate to the European institutions” and fades away “in the face of American imperialism, Russian irredentism and German economic power”. A deletion that could cause France to enter the Russian-Ukrainian conflict “without the agreement of the people”.

Faced with this observation, the association evokes a necessary “Sacred Union” and asks former soldiers and all professions who do not always have the right to free speech, to stand up and react to these “drifts”.

This is not the first time that Place d’Armes has made such a call.

In April 2021, it makes public “an open letter from the generals to our rulers”who wishes to warn against the “disintegration” from France.

This tribune, which does not seem to have had sufficient effect on Place d’Armes, asks our rulers to “taking responsibility”. It then caused a stir, both in the ears of the government and on social networks. 27,000 signatures from ex-soldiers, including some sixty Generals, join the appeal.

At the origin of the initiative, Jean-Pierre Fabre-Bernadac, former captain of the gendarmerie and army officer, also a former member of the National Front (FN) security service, spoke at the era on France-Evening, in order to explain his approach. In particular, he defended himself from politicizing the question or from failing in the duty of reserve.

His approach was then denounced by the Minister of the Armed Forces in office, Florence Parly. The opposition on the left, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, alerted about a behavior “factious”.

The “second letter” from Place d’Armes will not fail to provoke other strong reactions within the French political scene.

Call resume:


Two years ago, I ended the letter to those in power, known as the “Letter from the Generals”, with these words: “If nothing is done, laxity will continue to spread inexorably in society… and tomorrow, war will put an end to this growing chaos…”. Today, the situation of our dear country can be summed up in one word: DISASTRATIVE.

We had the best healthcare system in the world, the best energy model, the best school, an internationally admired army, a competitive industry and a successful agriculture… is more than rubble. Our country has turned into a globalized area which is becoming more impoverished every day. So the question arises: how could we have fallen so low so quickly? Who is responsible and why has nothing been done to restore this country and protect its population? The only answer: the state.

French, French, it is time to demand accountability from those in power who for more than thirty years have not respected their mandates. They have stemmed neither insecurity nor uncontrolled immigration, and have aggravated the precariousness of the poorest.

MM Sarkozy, Hollande and above all Macron are the examples of presidents who have depreciated the supreme political function:

• Nicolas Sarkozy flouts the victory of the NO in the referendum on the European constitution of 2005 by having the Treaty of Lisbon adopted thanks to the holding of the congress of Parliament.
• François Hollande restricts our nuclear energy to please the ecological fads laying the foundations of the current energy problems.
• Emmanuel Macron without hesitation had defensive bullets fired at the “yellow vests” who had come to demonstrate to maintain their standard of living and develop citizen initiatives. In Qatar and in Africa he has a behavior unworthy of the presidential office. Finally, by insisting on passing an iniquitous bill against the world of work, he takes the risk of creating a climate of uncontrolled social violence.
As a result of all these failures, these betrayals and these lies, France is no longer considered a great Nation.

Our country, subordinated to European institutions, gives way to American imperialism, Russian irredentism and German economic power. It can, tomorrow with the Ukrainian conflict run towards the war without the agreement of our people.

We, former soldiers, cannot support, like the majority of our compatriots, such a drift contrary to our ethics.

NO, the France of steeples and secular cities has not said its last word! Nothing is inevitable, all is not lost. This is why we, the Elders, affirm and write what others, in their respective circles: soldiers, employees, teachers, farmers, craftsmen, industrialists, magistrates, civil servants… cannot or do not dare to express. .

French people stop believing the lies of the rulers and the media that are subservient to them. Support in deeds those who do not compromise, who do not lie and who do not perjure themselves.
Today, in the face of legitimate protest, the Macronian state is throwing the police into food for one purpose: to reposition itself as the savior of a rotting situation of which it is the instigator.
Don’t be fooled!… France needs you: React! Join the resistance!
People of this earth, the blood of our Fathers was not shed for the benefit of an oligarchic caste.

Let’s get up! Let’s reconnect without prejudice with the Sacred Union! SAVE FRANCE and THE FRENCH because, as Georges Orwel wrote: “A people who elect the corrupt, renegades, impostors and traitors are not victims! He is an accomplice”.

Jean-Pierre Fabre-Bernadac, President of Place d’Armes

Personalities co-signatories (in alphabetical order)

• HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon-Parma
• Henri Bec, retired magistrate
• André Coustou, general (2S)
• Tony Cursio, historical figure of the Yellow Vests
• Dominique Delawarde, general (2S)
• Mohamed Djaffour, warrant officer (ER), veteran and president of
the “Generations Harkis” Association
• Claude Dupont, honorary commissioner of the National Police
• Charles Gave, business manager
• Roland Hureaux, senior civil servant
• Dominique de Lorgeril, Rear Admiral (2S)
• Dominique Matagrin, honorary magistrate and former president of the AMP
(Professional Association of Judges)
• Daniel Péré, colonel (ER) and president of the OPEX of France
• Emmanuel de Richoufftz, General of Division (2S)
• Olivier Tournafond, university professor
• Philippe de Veuille, lawyer at the Paris Bar

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