More than 38,000 Girona residents apply for the 200 euro low-income check from the Spanish government

by time news

The Spanish government has registered 38,992 requests to access the 200 euro check for low incomes from the Girona counties. The deadline to request it ended on Friday of last week, March 31.

They could avail themselves of this help households with incomes below 27,000 euros per year and citizens resident in the State below this threshold who, during 2022, had worked for themselves or others and had been registered with Social Security or had received an unemployment benefit and had assets of less than 75,000 euros on December 31. From now on, beneficiaries will receive the check in a one-time payment through a wire transfer. The Treasury will resolve the requests within three months.

More than two million people

In Catalonia they have registered up to 388,386 requests. The demarcation of Barcelona concentrates the vast majority of requests in Catalonia, with 276,282 requests followed by the province of Tarragona. In Lleida 25,570 people have requested the check. In all of Spain, 2,792,853 have been registered since February 15, when the deadline to request help opened.

In the first 48 hours, 119,050 people in Catalonia had already requested it. The check is one of the measures included in the anti-crisis decree approved by the executive of Pedro Sánchez at the end of last year. Moncloa calculated that it could benefit about 4.2 million families in the State.

Citizens who on December 31 received the Minimum Vital Income or a pension or those applicants who during 2022 were legal administrators of a commercial company that on the last day of this year the activity has not ceased or if you were a holder of securities on the stock market.

Once the documentation to request help has been processed, the Tax Agency will make the deposit if it is correct. Otherwise, it will justify the reasons why the request is denied and the applicant will have ten days to make allegations or present new documentation. If not, after 30 days the proposal will be formally rejected. Also, if the administration detects that the aid has been granted and some of the requirements are not met, it can claim its return plus late interest.

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