Saint-Étienne: drugs in the cubicle which caused the death of the railway worker

by time news

The mystery of the cubis at Saint-Étienne station (Loire) could be lifted. According to our information, the first results of the toxicological analyses, which must be further consolidated, reveal the presence of cocaine and crack cutting products in the liquid absorbed by the SNCF agent, who died on Monday April 3 after having tasted the container of an abandoned cubi in a plastic shopping bag at Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux station.

The first results of the official’s autopsy also concluded that he died by poisoning or overdose without it being possible to establish a link between the death and the absorption of the presumed presence of these products in the cubi. Contacted, the prosecutor of Saint-Étienne David Charmatz, told us that he was not able to confirm this information, not yet having sufficiently solid elements.

Monday, around 7:30 p.m., the police were called to Châteaucreux station for an SNCF agent in respiratory arrest. On the spot, the Samu noted the death of the civil servant, whom the doctors had not been able to resuscitate. According to the first elements of the investigation, travelers had given the SNCF employee a plastic bag discovered in a train and containing two cubis filled with an unknown substance.

He had been seized with convulsions

The official then decided to taste the contents and took a sip of the liquid, believing it to be alcohol. One of his more cautious colleagues had contented himself with moistening his lips in order to identify the liquid. About 20 minutes later, the officer who drank the liquid had convulsed, vomited and immediately lost consciousness. His colleague, who had not experienced any discomfort, had been transported to the emergency room from which he has since been released. Nuclear, radiological and chemical tests carried out on site by the fire brigade proved negative. The cubis had been seized for analysis.

Aged 41 and father of two children, the deceased employee was a stopover agent at the main Saint-Etienne station. An investigation has been opened by the Saint-Étienne public prosecutor’s office to find the causes of death. The station’s CCTV must be used to try to identify the person who left the package containing the deadly liquid. No one was arrested.

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