2023 Easter Weather: A Complete Forecast Reversal

by time news

The Easter weather forecast has taken a sharp turn for the worse, with a promise of sun replaced by clouds, rain, and snow. The unpredictability of the forecast has caused difficulties for meteorologists, according to Hanna Winge from the Klart weather service. Central Sweden, which was previously expected to experience high pressure, is now enduring low pressure, typical of unpredictable April weather. Maundy Thursday is set to be overcast throughout most of the country with a chance of snow, but those in northern parts of Sweden have a higher chance of seeing some sun. Warmer weather is expected on Easter Eve, with sunny spells in the north and cloudy skies in the south. However, the forecast remains uncertain and subject to change.

The Easter weather has done a complete turnaround.

The sun, which according to the first forecasts was supposed to shine, is now gone – instead clouds, rain and snow await.

– Obviously, this Easter has been very difficult to forecast, says Hanna Winge, meteorologist at the weather service Klart.

As recently as Tuesday, the forecast for the Easter weekend looked more than promising: Sun throughout the country with high temperatures.

But less than 24 hours later, dark clouds have moved in.

– It has gradually gotten worse and the forecast for this morning looks quite different compared to yesterday. It will be more unstable than first expected, says Hanna Winge, meteorologist at the Klart weather service.

The explanation is that the previously promised high pressure that was positioned over central Sweden has subsided.

– Instead, a low pressure has come in which brings worse weather, quite classic April weather you could say.

The forecast is unstable and may vary.
The forecast is unstable and may vary.

Overcast throughout the country

During Maundy Thursday it will be cloudy in most of the country, with some snow in the Stockholm region and north along the coast.

For the greatest chance of sun, head north, then it is in the middle parts of Sweden that the sun can be glimpsed.

On Good Friday, it will continue to be cloudy in eastern Svealand and Götaland, while it will continue to be sunny in Norrland.

– At the top of northern Uppland, however, there is a risk of rain and snow, says Hanna Winge.

However, there are glimmers of light even in the new forecast.

– As of Easter Eve, the weather will be warmer. It will generally be warm throughout the country.

The Easter weather has done a complete turnaround.
The Easter weather has done a complete turnaround.

Biggest chance of sun

During Easter Eve, the temperature can reach around twelve degrees in southern Sweden, while in the far north it will be around five degrees.

– But on the other hand, it will be cloudy throughout the country with some rain in Skåne and Halland, as well as some snow in Värmland and Dalarna.

On Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, the weather is expected to remain the same, with sun in the north and continued cloudiness in the south. The temperature is around ten degrees in the south and five degrees in the north.

Is there any place that deviates from the forecast?

– There is nowhere it will be sunny for four days straight, no. Central Sweden has the greatest chance of sun, but even there the weather will vary from day to day.

Is it completely over that it will turn again?

– The forecast right now is very unstable and can vary. It is not completely out of the question as what we are seeing now is typical April weather. There is always hope, but the closer we get to the Easter weekend, the less chance there is of that turning around.

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