Already today: Memorial Day of Gennady Karpenko

by time news

Date of the day

On April 6, 1999, he died suddenly and mysteriously Gennady Karpenko, Belarusian scientist and politician, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th and 13th convocations. In 1996, Karpenko, then deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet, led the process of impeachment of the president Lukashenka.

Gennady Karpenko

Also on this day

1814Napoleon renounced his position and, according to the verdict, was sent into exile on the island of Elba.

Paul Delaroche's painting

Paul Delaroche’s painting “Napoleon at Fontainebleau”, the painting corresponds to the moment of signing the abdication

1869 Dmitri Mendialeyev publicly presented his periodic table of elements.

1896 — the first modern Olympic Games were officially opened in Athens.

The first modern Olympic Games, Athens, 1896

The first modern Olympic Games, Athens, 1896

1917 — entry of the United States of America into the First World War on the side of the Entente.

1990 — the Association of Belarusians of the World “Fatherland” was created in Minsk, which organizationally unites all Belarusian circles around the world.

2010 — the beginning of the revolution in Kyrgyzstan, which led to the overthrow of the president Kurmanbek Bakiev.

Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, April 2010

Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, April 2010

They were born on this day

1483Rafael SantiItalian painter and architect.

1896 Trace KharykBelarusian Jewish poet.

Trace Kharyk

Trace Kharyk

1905 Mykola KhvedarovichBelarusian poet.

1910 Boris Keithscientist, figure of the Belarusian emigration.

Boris Keith, 1930s

Boris Keith, 1930s

1928 Khvedar Nyunka, social and cultural figure, participant of the national-democratic movement of the 1980s — beginning. XXI century.

Khvedar Nyunka

Khvedar Nyunka

In memory

1656Shiman Starovolskyhistorian and writer of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2017 Mikhas KavylBelarusian poet, novelist, critic.

Century of Mikhas Kavyla

Century of Mikhas Kavyla

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