Active breaks in the office, here’s how to alleviate the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle –

by time news
Of Christine Brown

People who sit eight hours at a desk have a higher risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. Mini exercises in the office keep you healthy and limit muscle tension

Many Italians between the ages of 25 and 64 spend 5 to 8 hours a day sitting, often in front of a computer. There are several studies that have shown that the “inactive” are more exposed to diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. A study published in Jama Cardiology on 100,000 people concluded that people who spend more than 8 hours sitting have a 17% to 50% higher risk of mortality from heart attacks, heart failure or cardiovascular disease than those who spend less time of 4 hours sitting. Additionally, leg muscles weaken, blood pressure rises, and good cholesterol levels plummet. Those who suffer are above all the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles that keep the back in an upright position: when you sit down these muscles collapse and it is at this point that back pain, neck pain and muscle tension problems arise.

The short breaks

For this reason, taking short active breaks, especially in the workplace, can be a solution to limit risks. It has been shown that a light walk of 5 minutes every half hour leads to a decrease in blood pressure and of glycemia. Even a little strength training every hour (with two sets of 15 repetitions of 3-4 exercises that mobilize the large muscle groups) has a positive effect on the worker’s mental fatigue, with benefits also on tiredness or drowsiness. In some companies to limit sedentary lifestyle they have been installed
standing work stations
: according to a study by the British Journal of Reports this would improve productivity even if the studies on the subject are still too incomplete


Sedentary behavior at work causes numerous musculoskeletal problems due to the same posture maintained for long hours in the office, so much so that some companies promote active breaks for employees also with a view to limiting sickness absences due to problems related to the musculoskeletal system skeletal. Just the fact of moving leads to benefits on a musculoskeletal level. In general terms they are recommended active breaks of 10 minutes every hour of work continuous, or 3-5 minute breaks every half hour. It is possible to work both with strength training (it takes 2 minutes to do 20 squats) and with ergonomic exercises. With just five minutes of neck and back stretching, improvements can be obtained not only in the perception of pain but also in the reduction of muscle fatigue, with the benefit maintained up to the following 30-40 minutes.

What happens in Japan

However, what needs to improve is the attitude of people, who should move as much as possible, as soon as possible, even in the office. It means walking down the halls, climbing stairs, stretching, doing small leg and arm exercises several times throughout the day. In Japan, the exercise routine at school but also in the workplace is a must that has over 100 years of life. It is called “Rajio taiso” or also radio rhythmic gymnastics: is a Japanese radio program that streams exercises of a few minutes on YouTube that can be done in groups without the need for tools. The exercises are now followed by generations of Japanese who at school, in parks and in the office carry out movements with arms and legs to stretch after time spent at the desk.

But what can be done to break the sedentary routine?

– Use stairs whenever possible
– Walking while talking on the phone
– Hold meetings while standing
– Walk to work (or get off one stop earlier if using public transport)
– Get up from your chair whenever possible
– Work while standing

April 6, 2023 (change April 6, 2023 | 06:28)

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