March and April weather conditions in Gothenburg

by time news

According to SMHI’s statistics, Karesuando and Nikkaluokta experienced the lowest temperature this side of the vernal equinox in 107 years in northern Norrland. DN reported that both stations recorded -36.8 degrees due to clear weather and cold air from northerly latitudes. In Gothenburg, the lowest temperature measured during the month was -9 degrees, but it didn’t come close to the record from 1942 at -19 degrees. The average temperature in March is typically around three degrees in the Gothenburg area, but this year it was 2.5 degrees. Despite being below normal, Gothenburg weather had a little more precipitation than usual. The weather was compared to 2018, which was an extremely hot year with catastrophic consequences of drought and forest fires. The Easter weekend will be somewhat warmer, but the weather will be unstable.

In northern Norrland, Karesuando and Nikkaluokta had the lowest temperature this side of the vernal equinox in 107 years, according to SMHI’s statistics. Something that DN reported on. Both stations measured -36.8 degrees because it was clear and cold air was coming from more northerly latitudes.

In Gothenburg, the lowest temperature measured during the month was -9 degrees. But it doesn’t come close to a record from 1942, when it was -19 degrees. The average temperature in March is usually around three degrees in the Gothenburg area, but this year it landed at 2.5 degrees instead.

Instead of record cold, the typical Gothenburg weather has strengthened a little extra – that is, we have had a little wetter than usual for the past month.

– In total throughout March for Gothenburg, the temperature was below normal. It was a little colder than it usually is. But it was quite wet. There was about twice as much precipitation as usual, says SMHI meteorologist Linnea Rehn Wittskog.

Compare with the crisis year 2018

And the rain keeps coming. During Maundy Thursday in the form of snow on the west coast, as temperatures were around zero during the night and morning hours. But the snowfall, which in some places is rain, will move away to the northwest during Maundy Thursday.

Linnea Rehn Wittskog compares this year’s March with that of 2018, a year that then had an extremely hot spring and summer. Something that led to catastrophic consequences in the form of extreme drought and forest fires.

It should be a little warmer over the Easter weekend, but then the weather will be unstable again, according to SMHI’s forecasts.

– It’s not great spring weather we’re having in the near future, says Linnea Rehn Wittskog.

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