The new General Plan of Narva takes into account the reduction of the city’s population to 45,000 people

by time news

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Kaie Enno and Peeter Tambu explain to journalists how the new General Plan of the city differs from the previous one. Photo: Irina Tokareva

This week, the public demonstration of the draft of the new General Plan of Narva begins. From April 6 to May 6, Narvitians have the opportunity to submit their additions and objections to this document, and in June to take part in a public discussion.

For the first time, when drawing up the General Plan, the developers took into account the constant decrease in the population of Narva. According to the chief architect of Narva, Peeter Tambu, this is a reality that is important to take into account in order for Narva to remain a compact and comfortable place to live, because the city is no longer able to maintain and develop its former volumes and infrastructure, designed for a population of over 80,000 people.

By 2035 – at least 45,000 inhabitants

The previous General Plan, which was adopted in 2013, did not yet take into account this trend, although at that time it was already clearly emerging: local politicians avoided even talking about population reduction. “It was a taboo subject,” Tambu said.

Today, one of the objectives of the General Plan is to offer different ways to create a high-quality and modern urban environment that would help to slow down the population decline and by 2035 the number of inhabitants would remain at the level of at least 45,000 people. “For example, planning solutions should help ensure that the city center does not remain empty,” said the chief architect. It is also planned to revive the area near the river bank.

The new General Plan includes many attractive solutions: the development of a more convenient public transport network, the possibility of tram lines, the development of green areas and recreation areas, and the creation of an uninterrupted network of cycle paths. Ideally, Narva should become a city where you can get to any place by public transport, on foot or by bike in just 15 minutes.

Anywhere in 15 minutes

To do this, cycle and pedestrian paths should become continuous, green areas and parks should be connected to each other by green corridors. In the Krenholm area, its own city beach may appear. The environmentally friendly transport of the future for Narva could be a tram, whose lines would connect all districts of the city, as well as Narva with Narva-Jõesuu.
Of course, for now, these are only plans, the implementation of which may take years, because it will be necessary to draw up separate projects and seek funding.

However, in order for these plans to be realized even in the long term – in 10-15 years, an appropriate general layout is already needed today so that in the future it does not turn out that something has already been built on the site of the tram tracks, the chief architect explained.

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“The environmentally friendly transport of the future for Narva could be a tram, the lines of which would connect all districts of the city, as well as Narva with Narva-Jõesuu.

Compared to the General Plan of the City adopted in 2013, the new general plan is more flexible in terms of the purpose of land use – in the central part of the city, mixed buildings with multifunctional purposes are widely used. “The purpose of the land use of existing production areas is also seen as more diverse – in addition to industry, the development of the service sector is possible,” said Kaye Enno, head of the city’s department of architecture and planning. The new master plan has been elaborated in more detail in areas that need a precise direction of development, such as the Old Town or areas of valuable historical development, said Kaye Enno.

Everyone can speak

She also stressed that in the preliminary stages of preparation of the General Plan, the opinions of Narva residents, received both in the course of various studies and surveys, and during the public discussion of the future urban space of Narva, which took place in February last year, were taken into account. In total, the work on drawing up a new master plan took three years.

It is hard to say how widely Narvitians will now take the opportunity to study the General Plan and submit their objections and additions to this more than 80-page document. In 2013, there was no particular activity of citizens in this matter.

However, all documents are available in two languages ​​on the official city website.

By following the link can get acquainted with the most detailed layout, with all preliminary studies and analyses, maps and 3D visualization.

During a public demonstration, every person has the right to express an opinion on the decision of the General Plan of the City. Opinions can be submitted digitally to [email protected] or by sending an email to Peetri plats 5, 20308 Narva.

The paper version of the materials can be found in the lobby of the building at Peetri plats 5. A public discussion of the results of the demonstration of the General Plan will take place on June 9 at 14:00 at Narva College of the University of Tartu, Room 200.

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