Vaccines, 500 thousand doses in one day: almost 6 million people immunized

by time news

Roberto Speranza Lapresse

Vaccine, Hope: “Yesterday 500 thousand doses, great team work”

The threshold of almost 500,000 vaccinations in one day in Italy has been reached. From the official government website, 497,993 doses were administered yesterday. The objective, set by the emergency commissioner Figliuolo, has been achieved. The health minister Speranza in a post on facebook expresses satisfaction with the result. “Yesterday in Italy over 500 thousand doses of vaccine. Thanks to the women and men – writes Speranza – the National Health Service and to all the institutions for the great teamwork. The vaccine is the real way out of these difficult months. “This is what the Minister of Health commented in a post on facebook. Roberto Speranza.

Vaccine, updated data: 19,418,615 administrations

Meanwhile, from the online report of Commissioner Figliuolo updated at 06.12 today we learn that 19,418,615 doses of vaccine anti Covid so far administered in Italy, 86.6% of the total of those delivered, equal to 22,414,660: in detail 15,612,480 Pfizer/BioNTech, 1.955.700 Modern, 4.662.580 Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) e 179.800 Janssen (J&J). The administrations involved 11,100,920 women and 8,317,695 men. 5,756,729 people received both doses.

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