The doctor called vitamins preventing pathological baldness

by time news

Alopecia, a pathological hair loss that leads to partial or complete baldness of the head, has been known to people since ancient Greece. Modern doctors have established a connection between the health of hair and the balance of vitamins in the body, and therefore, to treat the problem, it is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients.

– Deficiency of vitamins C, A, F, E, B8, biotin, iodine and zinc negatively affects the condition and appearance of hair, provokes hair loss, – Natalya Kozlova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, told

In addition, in women, hair loss can be caused by age-related hormonal fluctuations or stress.

In order to understand how to make up for the deficiency of nutrients, you need to be examined by a doctor who will help you choose vitamin complexes or prescribe special multivitamin preparations for the beauty of hair, nails and skin.

“When taking such complexes, it is important to understand that they have a cumulative effect. In addition, the body first replenishes the deficiency of vitamins necessary for performing primary functions, and then a cosmetic effect can be expected,” the expert noted.

It should be remembered that before taking medications, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.


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